Monday, October 29, 2012

Oct 29, Uncle Ryan's fingernails

Fun having Stacy's brother and family here, and sad to see them go. We know it is a big effort and we thank you. We found a plug outside in the LPCH court yard. We had dinner and had a good time.  Lindsey insisted that Uncle Ryan get his fingernails painted. He had to ship cattle today back in Utah, so that should look cute for the cattle buyer.

Lindsey had a dressing change today (Monday).  I think it looks a lot better, but you can be the judge.  She is still getting lovenox shots (blood thinning) twice a day.  She likes them at noon and midnight, because she can sleep through the shot at night. They had moved the shots to 9 and 9 but she wanted it changed. Her wish is our command.

Her attitude is up and down. As long as we are here and she is kept active she is okay.  But if we leave her alone to long, or we let her just lay around, she can get 'down' really quick.  That is what I told the dr's in rounds this morning, as long as we keep working at it, she can do this.

She does want to skpe with her friends, school, and family back home, but she has been too busy with school, PT and other activities. That's a good problem to have. 

The lord has and continues to bless us. Keep the faith, keep the hope. We are one day closer.

 Lindsey, Ava (who received a heart a couple of years ago, and is here for biopsy), Amanda (who received a heart AND liver back in June) and Sierra.

 Uncle Ryan getting worked over

 Ryleigh and her 4 year birthday party.  She blew out candles that were NOT lit (that was confusing for her)
 Today's dressing change pictures. 
Megan setting it up. They won their game.  Play again Wednesday.



  1. we're talking....thinking outside the box and using the exterior plug-ins...what a fantastic idea!!!! Love to hear that that option is available. Lets see I'm thinking there is room for a tent to be set up outside, too, right?!!?!!? We can definitely bring the Eastern Oregon summer life to SUNNY Cali, since not very many people around here will be camping in the snow. That would be quite the request for the doctors and nurses to think about, huh? Love to hear that things are looking up, I have been thinking about different activities and/or games we could share with Lindsey to help with the slow days, but nothing is coming to my mind yet (or at least things that would be fun and exciting!!). I will think of something soon and maybe it will be something that Linsdey would enjoy and it help with slow days. Lindsey is one brave little girl and I love that she keeps an open mind to asking for things, like, changing up times for her shots, so it will be more beneficial to her, GREAT thinking. Keep going and doing, Bingham SEVEN!!! Keep us posted on Megan's great volleyball year, what a great experience! I hope to sneak into Lindsey's classroom on Halloween during the skype session, so I can hear her precious voice! loves, hugs, and prayers to each of you xoxoxoxo

  2. I so enjoyed skyping with you tonight! Made me smile at the end of a very long Monday! I look forward to the skype date on Wednesday. Happy Halloween!

    Mrs. Smith

  3. I'd say Uncle Ryan is one very good sport and who knows, he may start a new trend. Love the pictures, everyone looks great and after viewing the dressing change it's no wonder Lindsey gets down or cranky once-in-a-while. What a couragous little girl. Love, Kay

  4. humm wonder how many electric cords you can lay outside so she has a place to "roam"

    That is great there is one outside. Now set up tables and chairs so she can spend time in the sun.

  5. You guys sure know how to make the best of a crummy situation! Love the Halloween photos. 132 days closer...

  6. Wow, Lindsey I think you must have Uncle Ryan wrapped around your little finger! He wouldn't get his nails painted for anyone else but you!! I'm so glad that Ryan and his family were able to come see you. Michelle and the girls got to spend at least three days with Ryan, even if he was sleeping some of the time! I love you all so much!

  7. On the Way Home I had every person at every Restraunt gas station stare and even point and talk to others about my fingernails and it wasn't until Wells Nevada the lady at the counter had the nerve to say whats up with the fingernails. I just smiled and said you would not understand.
    Love Uncle Ryan
    P.S. I will get that earing in your nose
