Friday, October 26, 2012

Oct 26, Friday, Marcie, PK, & Sadie

It is amazing how good of a day she has when she gets a good nights sleep.  She woke up in a good mode and did well in school and PT. You can sense an effort by the nurses, therapists, and staff to help give Lindsey the best quality of life at the same time following the policies and procedures of the hospital.

Marcie, PK, and Sadie from the ward came by to visit and play with Lindsey and the kids.  They played games and had a lot of fun.  Stacy and I snuck out on a quick date out to get the Friday McDonald's food from the RMH. That was very nice of them to come by on a Friday night.

Tomorrow is a very exciting day.  We are putting on our annual Halloween party.  I can tell you now, Stacy is going to work her guts out to make this an awesome event. I am not sure what my job is yet, but whatever it is, I better do it! We have invited over 35 people and will be making homemade donuts in the Sobrato Room.  Lindsey has had to make the very tough decision of who she wants as her nurse. 3 of her absolute favorite nurses will be on.  I sure hope they don't get their feeling hurt if she doesn't pick them.  It was Lindsey's decision, we stayed way out of it.  We like them all too much to get involved in that one.

Dr Ashwin came by with a little 10 year old girl who also received a heart transplant.  The girls got to know each other and were able to paint Ashwin's fingernails.  We have also met Amanda, a teenager who received a heart and liver transplant back to June.  She has come by quite a bit for visits. She is nice to have around.

Had a dressing change at around 5:00 pm today. They sure like the pictures that Stacy and I take so they can compare each time.  This time you will notice more blood around the cannula site.  When they took the old dressing off, it pulled some of the scabs with it.  She has had to get lovenox shots every 12 hours for the last few days, so her blood is extra thin. So basically, she bleed like crazy.  The nurses got excited and called in a doctor to look at it.  I got a little light headed, and Lindsey could see the concern on the nurse's faces.  Once they could see what was causing the bleeding and we compared the pictures to older dressing changes everyone calmed down.  Next dressing change will be Monday, unless they see bleeding or other 'stuff' around the dressing.

Stacy and I have enjoyed and laughed at some of the comments made.  The nightmare story was pretty good.

 Lindsey and Amanda.
 Lindsey with her fancy new hair do.
 Yes, I slaved away at it.
 Dr. Ashwin getting his fingernails painted by the pre- and post transplant kids
 Friday's dressing change after the blood was cleaned up.
It seems the redness around the cannula has gone down, you agree?


  1. Yay, for a date night. Sounds like you should have pretended that you were back home and the only option was McD's for a late night romantic date....better than none and like I mentioned before you'll have a big date weekend for just the two of you when you return home!! (I'm going to see that one through!)
    Stacy, I'm sure your Halloween party is going to be the best LPCH has ever seen....donut game and all....way to bring normal yearly home routine to Lindsey and the rest of the family. I admire everything you and Jason do to keep things going. This year Halloween is going to be a super cold one here, I told the kiddos that maybe they should go as ski bums then they would at least be dressed for the weather, but I the 'like thats a costume, mom.'
    Thats pretty neat that Lindsey is meeting other transplant recipient kiddos....nice for her to be able to make more connections and friends. Keep healing and being strong little Princess! When we got our flu shots the other day at school I told the kiddos they better be brave like you, Linsdey. Logan and I both laughed and said, 'yes, because if Lindsey was here she would not only give herself a shot, but she could probably give everyone there shots!' Thankfully the kiddos were brave like you!
    Have a spooktacular day Bingham Seven! Loves, hugs, and many prayers for each of you--xoxoxoxo

  2. Lindsey we love your new do!! I also like the french toast and bacon breakfast in the picture! Happy Halloween party. Aunt G

  3. Lindsey looks wonderful. I wish we could be there for the Halloween Party. Sounds fun.

    I am so glad everyone is giving Lindsey the best Life possible. I am sure it helps keeps her spirits up.

    Can't wait to see pictures of your party.
