Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sept 26, So far so good

8:20 pm
It's been 38 hours since her last V-tach episode.  They gave her some extra fluid last night to see if that will help.  So far so good.  She does seem to be retaining some fluid, you can see it in her cheeks. Still a big balancing act with that child.  They have increased her tube feeds to give a little more 'volumn' in her blood.  All Dr. Rosenthal's idea, and so far seems to be working.

She is still acting great.  Been going on 40 minute walks sometimes kicking a bouncy ball, sometimes out to the fountain, but each time we try to come up with different ways to walk the same ole halls.  So far security hasn't kicked us out, haha.

Stacy stayed here with our Princess last night, maybe she is the good luck to keep the alarms at bay. This morning before Stacy could go home to clean up, Steve Young and his wife were here for a fund raiser for the 'Forever Young' playroom.  They took some pictures of Lindsey and Steve talking, and a few close ups of Stacy.  She was pretty embarrassed.  You can see the clip at

Ben and Angel were here for his 3 month checkup. Last time he was here, Lindsey was still pre-Berlin. Crazy.  Anyway, it is always good to see them.  We will see them again in 3 months, this time hopefully post transplant.

Lindsey Skyped with her 3rd grade class in Oregon. Sometimes she didn't know what to say, but it was definitely a highlight of her day! Thanks Molly, you did great!

No school today for anyone, so Lindsey has had quite a bit of sibling time today.

 Steve and Lindsey in the 'Forever Young Zone' playroom.  Just down the hall from her room.

 On a walk through the CVICU. (Just passing through to make sure a room is available for transplant).  This time Dr. Axelrod fell victim to the Princess' request for push ups.
Dr's Hollander, ? (great doc just can't remember his name), Axelrod, and Ashwin.
Hangin' out at the center fountain

 Sierra and Ben, 'Heart' buddies since 2006.
 Stacy and Angel

Another game of Nerts


Anonymous said...

So the real question we BYU fans have is.... Did you tell Steve Young you cheered for Utah?? Hmmmmm?? Just sayin'. :) and Stacy, it was SO fun to see a close up of you on tv (via Facebook). You look gorgeous, as always!!

Molly Smith said...

Thanks so much for skyping with us today, Lindsey. It was a definite highlight of the week. I will have to show the kids the video of you with Steve Young. That's so cool! Before I met Tim, I was a 49'ers fan! Tim loves the Cowboys, so I've chosen to only cheer for the Oregon Ducks - college teams ya know!

And I think you really touched Ali's heart today when we skyped. You both have been through so much. You both are in my prayers nightly.

I'm going to have to show Mr. Flanagan all of the people doing push-ups. He only did two. Kind of weak - huh? I've seen videos of you doing more than that!

I am glad the students didn't quite hear you about why you didn't have school today. They have been working hard, but they've been very chatty this week. Lots of exciting things going on at our school. I'll try and remember to take some pictures of our new classroom to send to you too. The walls are up and it's very exciting!

Give your family our love! Let's skype again soon! xoxo Mrs. Smith

Mark and Kristen said...

Grandma Roach is grinning now. Remember when he was single and she wanted to set up all of the granddaughters with him?

Anonymous said...

What a sweet and beautiful celebrity you are little Miss Lindsey Lou and Stacy, too!! Loved the clip and seeing Stacy smile with ease was even better...I agree Jason, Stacy is the positive peace to make those alarms go away!! Lindsey Lou I'm so disappointed I wasn't able to sneak in on the skype session, I hope next time I can swing on by for that! Hope you guys had a great time today as a family, lighting up the hallways with some joy and smiles as you walked about! Also glad to see Lindsey is keeping those pushup requests alive, NICE JOB!! Take care, with much love, hugs, and prayers for each of you---xoxoxoxo

Jen said...

Kristin, I totally forgot that. Grandma LOVED Steve Young!!! Stacy, you looked beautiful as always!!! And I can't believe how good Lindsey looks. She is so beautiful and so strong.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

What a great day!!!

The South Pasadena Dornys said...

Oh I am sure Grandma is really excited about Steve's visit. Remember how much she loved John Stockton too?

Lindsey and Stacy - you both look so cute - as always!

Lisa Price said...

Sariah came home yesterday so excited to be able to skype with Lindsey and I am so glade that they were able to do it. We read the Blog every day to check on progress and Sariah always reminds us if we forget to make sure Lindsey is doing ok. We miss you all and hope to have you all home in the Baker Valley soon Happy and Well!!

Judy Kaas said...

11Lindsey, you don't know me but I am a friend of Jay and Bonnie Bingham and I read your blog as soon as I get out of bed every morning. I'm the one that sent you that "soft" pink blanket and I always look in the pictures to see if it is keeping you warm. It is sooo soft huh? Lindsay you and your family are so brave and such an inspiration to me. My husband and I put your family's name in the temple a couple nights ago and I know God will hear and answer our prayers and that you will get out of that hospital. I wanted to share a favorite poem with you. It's called, "The Monument." God, Before He sent His children to earth gave each of them a very carefully selected package of problems. These, He promised, smiling, are yours alone. No one else may have the blessings these problems will bring you. And only you have the special talents and abilities that will be needed to make these problems your servants. Now go down to your birth and to your forgetfulness. Know that I love you beyond measure. These problems that I give you are a symbol of that love. The monument you make of your life with the help of your problems will be a symbol of your love for me, Your Father. Our prayers are always with you Lindsey and you have the best family in the world. I will always look for your smile. Judy Kaas

lbrowning11 said...

Um, why don't I see pictures of Steve Young doing push-ups????Don't hold back, Lindsey! I think we need to bring him back. XO Liz