Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sept 23, Sunday, Wacky 6

Very little to report. She is acting great and still has the pvc's and V-tachs.  A few Dr's still think she should be in the ICU for IV treatment and observation, but her heart failure doctors still have us here.  If they do have us go down they will have to give Stacy and I a dang good reason why.

Had a nice lazy Sunday, church, walk outside, ate in the Sabroto room, and played Wacky 6 as a family with Denise, our nurse.  It was pretty wild.  We have some really good nurses taking care of Lindsey.  She seems to have the same 9-10 nurses (Kim, Nicole, Shanon, Heather, Denise, Marisa, Cristine, Jen, Patrice, and someone else) and they all take an interest in Lindsey. I think she has taught each one how to play Wacky 6.  Even tonight when I got here at 10:00 she and Cristine were giggling it up with the cards.  I had to break up the party and put Lindsey to bed.

Lindsey was able to Skype with her primary class at church. She sure enjoyed that.  We all enjoyed that.  Next up is Mrs Molly Smith and her 3rd grade class.

Most of her pvc's and V-tachs (the dangerous ones) happen at night.  Here is a good night.


Colt 45 said...

Praying for a good night! Good luck to you all. Stay strong, you are all amazing! Lindsey you are unbelievable, can't wait to see you again.

Molly Smith said...

So glad she's not back in ICU. And, we'd love to skype with Lindsey anytime this week. We have school individual pictures tomorrow at 9:20 (hope Lindsey is back for our class pictures this Spring or we'll have to figure out how to photo shop her cute little face into our pic!) I can't remember what time she has class. Maybe just text me some times that will work. I know the kids are super excited to skype with her. And of course, I am too! Miss you all and pray daily that Lindsey Lou gets that heart very soon and prayers for the host family too. I just can't imagine... xoxo Mrs. Smith

Steph Tidwell said...

Megan LOVED talking with Lindsey. I hope they do that more. She is real concerned that Lindsey is not eating much. She thought it was funny that Jason was finishing her meals.

I can see it now. Jason taking a bite Yumming it up (is that even a phrase LOL) trying to encourage Lindsey to take "One more bit"

Anonymous said...

That chin hair is looking AWESOME Jas!! I'm sure Stacy's loving it :).... So glad her heart failure doctors have Lindsey's back and aren't rushing her to the ICU! Praying that a heart comes while she is so strong and happy!!

Courtney and Luke said...

Hi, my name is Courtney Burton. I live in San Francisco with my husband and twin boys who are 4. We both grew up in Baker City and moved to SF 6 years ago. One of our boys was born with a Congenital heart defect and has had 2 open heart surgeries and more will be needed, one of them was at Stanford last year. I'm not sure what kind of support we can offer, but we'd love to do anything that could be helpful (meals, airport rides, or just visiting about Eastern Oregon :) We are praying for your family and can't begin to imagine how hard it must be. It seems like you guys have a very positive attitude.
Courtney Burton (

Anonymous said...

Wacky 6 is one of the funnest games we have played and we are very thankful that we were taught by the best...THE BINGHAM's!!! Lindsey is quite the teacher of how to play and I still chuckle when I think about Logan and I learning....Logan for some reason thought the person with the less number of cards used was the winner....boy was she disappointed when she realized having 2 points wasn't the best!!! :) I hope Hunter had a great day, too, perhaps another sobrato room party??? Grandpa Dale was so kind this afternoon and gave Logan a ride home from the top of the hill (Alan and Pam's) as the new bus driver missed our house and said "well hopefully you can just walk back..." with a big stack of books (no backpack for some reason), she said "sure." Thank you Grandpa Dale for making her day and being so kind! :)
Thinking and praying for all of you. Love you guys and miss you each. Lindsey Lou keep it, we are cheering for you each step of the way. loves, hugs, and prayers---xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

oops....Lindsey Lou KEEP IT UP, we are cheering for you each step of the way....(not very good editing again on my end!!!) :)