Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sept 11, Daddy's back

10:45 pm.
Lindsey is still having issues with the irregular heart beats.  At 5:30 pm today she had 1 'V-tach' for 15 beats and 2 'Brady's'.  No idea how to spell that stuff, but they are different types of serious pvc's.  This higher stronger dose of medicine should control these issues but not yet.  They did switch to the oral form of the higher stronger dose this morning and she is still on it now.  Hopefully (please) she won't have anymore tonight.  My hope is high but my faith is low.  Stacy and I both have a sick feeling in our stomach about this.  Each time she has one of these 'V-tach''  it extends our stay here in the CVICU.   My mind keeps going back to the worse case scenario, a 2nd Berlin on the right side.  For the record, they have never said she would need one, it's just always on my mind.

Honestly, I hate having her here in the ICU.  I know she is in the right place, the doctors and nurses are good, it's just hard to be back here.  It will be soooo nice when they can get these dang pvc's under control and we can return to the family friendly 3 West. 

 Lindsey's spirits are still good.  She really looks forward to school, PT, and walks.  Anything to get out of the ICU.  She is still on full tube feeds, and hasn't had any major clots in the pump.  When she has a run of V-Tach, her pump alarm goes off with the same old message, 'Check left side pump and tubing'.  It's pretty obvious the pump doesn't like her irregular heart beat and neither does the doctors. 

I'll be with her tonight.  Stacy really needs the break and Lindsey has a boy nurse.  He is really nice, but Lindsey just feels uncomfortable around male nurses. 

Kids are doing better in school.  Megan has practice every day after school and is loving it.  Sierra is getting to know a few more people and is feeling a lot better.  Hunter is Hunter and Gage is Gage! They love to wrestle and fight wherever and whenever they can especially in Room 3241.

Good to be back here with the family.  Kids and Stacy had so much fun with Betsy and Logan.  That was very nice of them to come and help out.  It was sure weird being home in Oregon.  This nice huge clean house just sitting there.  So may people have helped clean and keep up our home, it's just so quiet there.  After a while you start to get the false sense that everything is okay. But that house, yard, trampoline, toys, bikes, and everything else all represent a life before this.  It feels like such a fantasy, or dream, that we will all be home.  It will happen, it's just so far out there.  So many highs, lows and not sures are going to happen between now and that future fantasy date.

 Our home waiting for us.

 Our NEW home.  That's Gage on the far left eating off Lindsey's tray.
Amazing how big my parent's home seems now.  Looks gigantic. 


Anonymous said...

Wow, Jas... You definitely have a way with words! Thank you for continuely helping keep my life in perspective. When we were in Oregon for the auction it was hard to be in your home without getting my big hug from Sierra and Lindsey that I can always count on!! I still stand by the fact that there is no better place in the world than North Powder- but for now I am so grateful for Palo Alto. You guys will get through this, your family is incredible. You'll stay strong and help Lindsey fight her fight. Then you can all go home TOGETHER... And what a blessed day that will be!!!
As always, so much love and so many prayers from Dustin, Porter, and I

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you guys every day and wearing my bracelet in honor of little Lindsey . We miss you guys!!!

Lisa and Riley

Anonymous said...

Stacy last night I had a dream that you and I were going into the OB together to look at your #6 and my #5 child. I woke up and realized how much I am missing you and your family. Your family are always in our thoughts and prayers.We love you
Emily and Family
PS this is NOT an announcement

Dale and Mike Olsen said...

Welcome Back, Jason! The Olsens and friends continue to send prayers.

Julia said...

You don't know me. My daughter Sarah is going through evaluation right now for a heart-liver transplant. April Nelson sent me a link to your blog. I am dumbfounded at the struggles your little family has endured with these trials. ...And how faithfully you endure, just because you "have to". Hope you don't mind me reading your blog. Although it breaks my heart to hear of others hurting so much, it always gives me strength and hope to see how others have endured such difficult trials. Love and prayers for your little Lyndsey and your whole family. May the Lord bless you with all that you need through His infinte love and grace. -Julia Brown(my daughter's new blog is www.sarahssecondchance.net if you're interested in reading about her journey.)

Colt 45 said...

You guys are an amazing family! We love you all and pray for you always!

Josh & Kari

Anonymous said...

Praying for little Lindsey Lue as we do everyday we miss seeing the girls at school but know you are where you need to be at this time but hopeing you'll be back in North Powder as soon as you can. NovaLee wants you to tell Lindsey she misses her alot and hopes she gets to go back to the 3rd floor soon. The Shoemakers

Molly Smith said...

Many prayers to you all, and especially Lindsey. We so miss her in our classroom. We have her pictures on the wall and a cute bear sitting at her desk, but it's just not the same as that cute little girl you have down there in Cali! I am so glad Betsy and Logan got to spend some time down there. I can't wait to hear all about it. And, does Lindsey want to skype again next week? If she's up to it, we'll work on asking some different questions... I am sure I can make that into a reading lesson! The kids will be thrilled. Virtual hugs to you all! Much love - Molly aka Mrs. Smith!