Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sept 9, Enjoyable Day still in CVICU

3:00 pm
This morning they shut off Lindsey's IV beta-blocker. She has been taking her oral form since last night, and tolerated it well.  They want to watch her through today and then see where she is at tomorrow.  Her first question for the doctors tomorrow morning is, "Who will my nurse be on 3W?"
We played cards and took a walk today. We showed Betsy and Logan how to play Wacky 6 and Nertz.  They were naturals at it! It has been such a joy to have them here, they are such amazing help. I don't know what I would have done without them!

Sierra had a much better day today and is feeling better. Lab draws for her this week, then clinic for her and Gage next week.  Here are some fun pictures of everyone doing push ups.

Jason we miss you terribly and look forward to seeing you Tuesday, when the CVICU trip will be over :)


  1. Work It! Lindsey once you get home we will have to have a push up contest at the family reunion! Seth needs some of your push-up motivation!!! I love Gage with Mr. McDonald-

  2. Still read you blog everyday.....Glad that you had and enjoyable day!

  3. The push up pictures are so cool! Love and Prayers, dale and Mike Olsen

  4. A joke for the kiddos:

    Q: How do you get down from an elephant?
    A: You don't, you get down from a goose, silly.

  5. Love that the staff is fun enough to join in! Good sports :)
    Can't wait for Logan to show us how to play the new games. She does love games...and winning :)
    Glad that Bets and Lo have been able to help fill the gap while Jason's been home. He is your right arm! You are one incredible couple!
    May God's blessings keep coming your way! As always prayers for all of you!

  6. Love a good post. Lindsey, here is a good joke to tell the 3W nurses when you get back:

    what do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you? Nacho cheese!
