Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sept 4, Back to school

9:00 pm.
Lindsey is having a run of good days.  She did school, PT and walks all in a good mood.  We watched the 2 sisters of the little baby going in for the Berlin I mentioned yesterday.  The baby ended up getting a double Berlin put in ( a pump for each side of the heart).  Hunter had a good time playing with his new friends, Keli and Lynnea.

Gage had a heart appointment.  He checked out fine and they turned up his heart med.  Tomorrow Sierra has her biopsy and IVIG infusion.  She will be pretty wiped out. 

Megan did good (I guess) in her volleyball skills testing.  She wants so bad to be on a 'good' team.

John and Kelly's baby Chloe was moved up to the 3rd floor. She is 9 months old, has the same heart disease as Lindsey, and has been on the Berlin for about 5 weeks.  We will get some good pictures of Lindsey holding Chloe.  Tristen, Stephenie and Kade's daughter, has also been moved up to the 3rd floor.  There is quite a bit of optimism floating around the unit these days.

At school, Lindsey received balloons and a gift bag from a secret admirer.  She was and still is excited about that one.  She is also excited to skype with her 3rd grade class on PV.

I am heading home Thursday to get some work done.  Really don't want to leave the family but need to for now.

 Lindsey and Tristen (NOT on the Berlin)
    Hunter and Keli, one of his new friends.


  1. Awesome Jason! I heard about you watching the new friends! I am glad you survived. I bet Lindsey loved holding the babies! She does love little kids. I am glad for the optimism, we will keep the prayers rolling. Chloe makes sure to bless Lindsey, the Binghams and Jason and Stacy every time. Nick is excited to see you, hope you don't have to spend all of your time in the office!

  2. Sierra was greatly missed today by her classmates at Powder Valley. She is such a special girl to all of us and I know the kids that have been with her since her transplant especially. We look forward to a visit from her one if these days. Perhaps I can take some tech lessons from Molly and we can Skype with Sierra. Thrilled to hear lindsey is having some great days. God bless! The Hamanns

  3. Lindsey you are a natural at holding that cute little baby!! I can hardldy wait until you are old enough to be a babysitter!! I know you will be an awesome babysitter because I am sure you will follow in your sisters foot steps! We love you and we have been thinking about you! I'm glad school is going well. Good job Megan on doing well on VB, I think you would make the team good!!! Hunter and GAge I thought of you yesterday and wished Lyndi had someone to play with on our fun Tuesday playdates!!! love you all Em

  4. It was fun to see you and your mom on Skype today, Lindsey! It made me miss you all even more. I can't wait to see you VERY soon! How fun that you get to hold that sweet little baby. Way to go on the volleyball skills, Megan. It doesn't matter what team you're on, YOU will make it great! See you all soon!

    The Fritz's

  5. I have to say that the highlight of our day was skyping with Lindsey. I know the kids loved talking with Lindsey and would love to make this a weekly tradition. Perhaps they'll have some different questions than the same one over and over. Hee hee. It made me laugh. We're also going to start working on our letter writing skills, and then Lindsey can work on her teacher reading skills. It's not always easy reading little kids' writing. :) Many prayers to you all and we hope that Jason's trip back to Eastern Oregon is safe and that Betsy and Logan's trip to help you is exciting. I still want to hear about Sierra's math night and can't wait to hear how volleyball turns out for Megan. I bet her skills are quite fantastic! Love to you all and thanks for the "skype date!"

  6. I wish I were a skype date for you all too. Must mean I better learn to skype! I love the picture of Lindsey holding the baby! Aunt G
