Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sept 1, Saturday, Fun Day with Cousins and Keith Morrison

Stacy here.
Lindsey did great yesterday.  It was a long and crazy day.  They video taped us at breakfast, then walking in here to the hospital.  I ran up to Lindsey's room to help get her hair done and clothes ready for the camera crew to come in. They video taped anesthesia visiting with Lindsey about their job during the transplant surgery.  Dr. Hollander was called to come in and check the pump and had no idea a camera crew was here.  He walked in the room and was stuck here until anesthesia was done visiting with Lindsey, then the camera turned on him as he looked at Lindsey's pump and talked with us about her irregular rhythm.  Oooopps.. by the way you're going to be on national television.  He did a great job and rolled with it.  The camera crew then followed Lindsey to school and did some taping of her at school.  Her teacher is sure they are going to want to start a reality show staring him now (he is really funny). 

While Lindsey was at school they interviewed our social worker Mary Byrge. Meanwhile during rounds in Lindsey's room, we discussed the irregular rhythm, the alarm of the Berlin and her nutritional status.  It was decided that;
1) Her feeding tube needed to go back in.  She just hasn't been drinking enough Pediasure shakes and is losing weight.  She would have to drink 7 to meet her caloric intake goal.  She has been drinking 4 1/2 and that is with us following her around with it all day saying, "Here Lindsey take another drink." It seems to add a lot more stress to her day.  Jason and I were both in agreement that putting the tube back in needed to be done.

2) Her rhythm was okay, even though they don't like to see a lot of extra heart beats right in a row she kept her same heart rhythm and that was reassuring.  They are wondering if her extra heart beats are from not eating enough.  They have seemed to come on since her tube has been out along with the alarms on the Berlin.  With her not eating enough she gets dehydrated and there isn't the volume needed in her body to keep the pump filling like it should. So, they are going to do a quick echocardiogram to check for fluid around the heart.

3) Keep a close eye on her heart rhythm throughout the day.  Meaning that she has to wear two heart monitors when she leaves her room.  One the nurse can see who is with her and one that signals to 3 West so they can print out the irregular rhythm if it happens again. 

After her return from school, I broke the news to her that she was going to have to get the tube back in.  She was NOT thrilled at all, cried a little bit but was OK with it when I explained why.  The camera crew showed up again at 1:00 after lunch to video Lindsey doing physical therapy.  She did great.  She rode her trike, did an obstacle coarse and then spent the rest of the time playing the Wii Just Dance 2 with her sisters.  The crew requested that the parents join in so, we ALL played Just Dance.  It is amazing how quickly your shirt saturates with sweat, under your armpits when you have a camera in your face while dancing!

After therapy it was back to her room to do her feeding tube, while more interviews with the doctors went on. The feeding tube was not fun. I felt bad for her, it cannot feel good having a tube shoved through your nose into your stomach.  She did awesome though.  After the NG tube was in she had her dressing changed and it is looking a lot better.  The rash is almost completely gone.  The camera crew came back in to video Lindsey getting an echo and Keith Morrison talking with her.  She was really cute and did a great job.  Shortly after all the video taping was done, Jake and Wendy and their family showed up.  It was great to see them.  All the kids had been asking all day when they would get here and where were they at.  We visited with them for awhile and then we all went to bed.  I stayed here with Lindsey to prove to Jason that the Berlin only alarms when he is here.

Well, I was right!! The Berlin didn't alarm once all night, except right after I walked out the door later this morning.  Lindsey slept great and only was up once for a bathroom break in the night.  She had no irregular rhythms just some occasional misbeats, but not right together.  In rounds today they had nothing to report or change.  She has been acting wonderful!! Jake, Wendy and the kids came and we walked with Lindsey all the way to the Stanford hospital and to the water fountains.  Our furthest walk yet.  Jason and Jake took the kids to the beach at Pacifica.  Grandma is at the RMH with Gage since he has developed another cough and runny nose.  We want to keep him as far from Lindsey as possible.  Aunt Wendy, Brand and I are here hanging out with Lindsey playing Nertz and Wacky 6.

 Everyone at the fountain in front of Stanford.

Lindsey ready for her close up from the camera.


  1. I have to say this is one of my favorite posts yet....filled with many bright moments that brought smiles to our faces! Cute pictures of Lindsey and her posse! You guys will continue to inspire others through this journey and of course can't wait to see the television clips and the dancing Bingham DIVAS!! :) loves, hugs, and prayers for each of you....xoxoxoxo nedrows

  2. Be sure to tell us when your story will air again. We would love to see it. So glad to hear Lindsey doing so well. Thank you for all the updates on your blog. We continue to fast and pray for your dear family!

  3. Linsdey Lou YOU are AMAZING and doing an awesome job! Our prayers are always being lifted up for you and your family.

  4. This is probably one of my favorite posts yet...I love all of the bright moments...they brought SMILES and (a few tears) to us as we read the post. Sounds like yesterday was a jammed packed wonder Lindsey slept so well, between the busy day and the alarm not going off (thanks to Jason staying at another way Stacy had to prove you wrong, huh!?!) :) We loved seeing the pictures of Lindsey and her posse. Way to go on the big walk, that must have felt great to get outside with your family and cousins. Looking forward to seeing the next Bingham broadcast on TV shining like the glorious stars that you all are!! The best part may just be the dancing Bingham DIVAS part!!! :) Enjoy every moment with The Jake and Wendy Bingham CLAN. Loves, hugs, and prayers--xoxoxoxo nedrows

  5. Answers to lots of prayers! God bless and watch over each one of you!

  6. Hooray for my favorite TV star! Way to be brave, Lindsey. I'm so glad your cousins are there to visit you. Have a great time!

  7. We're glad to see that you've had such good days recently. Sometimes I think my life is busy, then I read a day in the life of your family and count my blessings. Keep up the good work and let us know when the show will be aired.

    -Luke and Deb Andrew

  8. Love all the pictures and the ones with the cousins are great.. I'm so glad Lindsey has been having lots of good days, that does all our HEARTS good... and Jason whats up with all the beeping when you stay with her???? Our prayers are with you every minute...

  9. I love the pictures, it must have been so nice to get outside. It's especially nice to see you with your cousins, Lindsey. Sure wish I could box up a few pounds and send them to you, then we'd both be better off. Sweet dreams. Kay

  10. Good Morning Bingham clan,

    Today is fast Sunday. There is much on my heart and mind regarding your precious family on this Sabbath day. My fasting and prayers continue for Lindsay, for the Donor family, for you and also for Sierra since it sounds like this transition to a new school is a little rough yet. Dale and I continue to send our love out thoughts and prayers--Mike and Dale Olsen

  11. I love seeing fun moments cousins! I feel so grateful Lindsey was able to go outside! We pray for you all every day- Aunt G

  12. We have had many prayers and fasting for your precious family. It is good for us and grows our faith as we see your faith in action. Give Lindsey our love. We are so proud of her and her hard work at keeping strong. Give all the kids love from us.

    So NBC was back...did they say when the special would all come together. We will be watching for you on the news. I think it is a great idea to tell your story and inform the nation of the importance of "transplant" giving.

    Dean and Dawnie
