Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Aug 28, Pretty good day

10:20 pm.
She had a pretty good day.  They lifted the complete isolation this morning. She went to physical therapy and school.  She drank 4.5 PediaSures which was barely enough to keep the feeding tube out.  Although she fights the meds and eating so much, she almost wants the feeding tube in.  See how tomorrow goes.  She did get an IV, but she still didn't flinch and watched the whole thing.

I stayed at the RMH all day and worked.  Felt really nice. Grandma was a big help today.  Stacy and I went to Hunter's school for a parent teacher get to know you night.  It was good to see how they do things. Tell you what, Nixon doesn't have a thing over PV school. 

Tomorrow is Sierra and Megan's parent day.  Sierra hasn't exactly 'embraced' the new school atmosphere.  Hopefully she will find her groove and feel better about it.  Megan is just fine, she just wants to know when the volleyball practices start. (No, we don't know if she is on the team).  

So, we are not back to the full boring but getting close.  Lindsey is hanging in there, but is sure getting tired of this.  She still needs good support from Mom and Dad and others to keep her going.


  1. I still wait daily for any message from any of you...of course still waiting and praying for the "ultimate message". I feel for Sierra and the school change, I can only imagine!
    Way to go Lindsey on getting enough down to keep the tube out--that's got to be hard to do but you're so strong to make yourself!
    I imagine the work felt good, maybe a bit like a "normal" day? Almost like you were at the office! Still praying here in Paradise (yes it is really the name of where I live) for you all...you are always the first one in my list of prayers multiple times a day! Keep moving--keep believing--keep faith--you are still...an AMAZING family!

  2. Glad to hear there's an approach to boring. I'm very proud of Sierra and Megan for their bravery in going to a new school. I'm sure that's very hard. (I hope you hear back about volleyball soon, Megan!) Still being part of the "prayer troops" and hoping for that donor heart to arrive soon and let the healing begin.

  3. Tell Megan, I am confident she made the team and very excited to hear all about how volleyball goes for her. I loved coaching her in basketball last year. Her love of the game, desire to learn, and contagious personality was a joy to me every day. Made me fall back in love with the game. My whole family is praying for all of you, and wish there was more we could do. We just know that the donor heart will arrive soon!!!! You are all so brave and an inspiration of faith.

  4. We're here to support Lindsey and all of you too! I'll have to admit that I've been a little sad this week knowing we won't see your kiddos the first week of school. But the whole school is very hopeful that you will all be returning soon!
    Tell Sierra that with a little time she will adjust and things will be easier. I've been so proud of her and how strong and supportive she is as a big sister.
    Sending you all hugs and well wishes from NP!
    -Allie Scott

  5. 74After all my questions, I still wish Stacy was here to help me can. Sometimes I still think is this really real. Is this really happening? I am proud of you guys for all the adjustments and faith and sacrifice. Lindsey keep staying positive, angels are nearby to help you. Love Aunt G

  6. I don't know you but I pray daily for your entire family and for the donors' families as well. I think my nephew and his wife attend your church (they are from Baker) at any rate, they have mentioned your family to me and I lift all of you up in my prayers several times daily and so do my mother and father.

  7. Seirra and Megan, always easier said than done, but hang in there and give your new 'temporary' school a chance. Just think you will surely find something different that that school has or offers and you'll wish our school would change and do the same, but better!!!! :) Your friends will always be here cheering you on each step of the day!
    Glad to hear parent night with Hunter went well. hoping things go great for the older girls parent night, too.
    LinsdeyLou you continue to amaze me wiith your strength and bravery. Keep drinking pediasures and eating those pickles and maybe you can keep trucking.along without the feeding tube :)
    Thinking about each of you....loves, hugs, and prayers to all xoxoxoxo
