Saturday, August 18, 2012

Aug 18, Saturday, Auction Day

2:00 pm
Lindsey is doing great. Just went on a 5.5 lap walk, longest walk in about a week. She went kickin' and screamin' but she went.  We argued about going on the 5th lap the entire 5th lap.  She still has fluid on / around her right lung.  They are going to increase her lasix and try to pee more of that off.  Berstein said the best thing she can do is go on walks (ambulate), and do her shoulder and breathing exercises.  Thus Dad's push to get her on a longer walk.  She slept well last night. They tried a new 'itchy' medicine along with ice. That seemed to cool the itching down and she slept for 8-9 hours. 

Sierra is back to normal. Her and Megan had an ok day at school. Both feel lost around campus and only knows a few people.  Megan was really worked up and feeling pretty sad.  Its hard to be in such a big school and not know anyone in her class. Everyone else seems to have friends and she wants to join in. Good grief, it's only the 2nd day, in about a week she will be on top of her game.

Today is the day of the Bingham auction back home.  The support is unbelievable. Wish we could be there. We live in the absolute best community ever.  Anywhere from a child doing a bake sale on the corner, doing a pie social in the park, steers sold at the Haines rodeo and lamb auctions in Utah.  There are so many things that we don't even know about going on in our behalf.  We can't thank people enough, we are overwhelmed at the outpouring of prayers, love and support for us. We would love to be home right now, to thank everyone personally, but we just can't right now.  Our little girl still needs us.

Jason and the boys are off to the circus.  They ALL needed an outing.  The girls, Aunt Tiffany and I are in her room doing hair and playing Nertz.  Hopefully Jason makes it back home and decides not to join the circus.  


  1. Glad to hear Lindsey is doing better:) I'm sure Megan will do better next week she's a great girl with lots of personality she'll have plenty friends give it time. And tell them the best part is they will have lots of storys to tell when its time to come home to NP. The Shoemakers

  2. Sitting here at the Auction as we speak. I think it's going to be a great day! We are all thinking of you guys.

  3. So pleased to hear Lindsey is doing well! Hope the auction goes very well and I have NO DOUBT Megan will have more friends in Palo Alto than she knows what to do with in no time. She is an extraordinary girl.

  4. Great to hear that Lindsey and Sierra are both doing better. If Jason does toy with the whole circus thing, I'd be really interested in seeing him attempt the trapeze! :)

  5. With 5 kids? I'm thinking lion taming??? Sounds like you had fun day! You more than deserve it :)
    I hope tomorrow will be a restful, relaxing day,too!
    Sierra and Megan, be yourselves and you'll have more friends than you can count! You are nice young ladies with shining personalities and lots to offer as friends so be patient...they will come!
    God bless! M.

  6. Way to go Lindsey Lou!!!!! Seirra and Megan hang in there, you are great girls and you'll be making friends in no time! Hoping today was somewhat boring. Loves, hugs, and many prayers. Sweet dreams to all. xoxoxoxo

  7. Looking forward to hearing about the outing to the circus....I hope Jason took some pictures to share. :) sending many prayers and asking for a blessful Sunday. P.s. hows the chin hair growing??? Really thinking its time for Lindsey to be blessed with a miracle gift, so she can help dad with the shaving cream part!!!!

  8. The auction was awesome. We are so glad that we can do something to help you guys out. If we could we would make it all better but we all know we can't, so this is what we can do to help make your lives a little easier. We love you guys and there are a lot of others in our small towns that do too.
