Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 12, A Good day

9:30 pm.
So they switched out the Berlin with no problems. They didn't even need my Leatherman.  I did ask one of the docs if I could have the old pump.  He is looking into it and may be able to get it for me.  That would make a great paperweight at the offices of BB&W.

We got Lindsey up, on her feet, and into a chair.  That is a good start on her recovery. Also started her on some deep breathing exercises for that right collapsed lung.  It may take a while for it to fully inflate so she needs to do deep breathing to help expand that lung.  She is soooo skinny. She could use a lot good weight gain.

They started the feeding tube tonight and she took a couple of bites of yogurt ice cream (I helped her finish the rest), and a few drinks of apple juice. That's a good start.  Hoping the tube feedings work well.

Stacy's mom, ReNae, will fly home tomorrow. It has been so nice having her here to help with Gage.  If Lindsey keeps improving, then we should be OK. 

Hope she has a good long night's sleep for everyone. No surprises. Back up and walking tomorrow.

Other than that, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments, watching Lindsey perk up, and meeting a family here with a sick new born.  Every person here at Stanford has a tough story to tell.  I would rather have our issues than some of the tough incurable diseases that are hitting other kids.
Count our blessings. God Bless


Below is what Aunt Cindy and Uncle Lynn said about Stacy.  It is so funny and yet so true.
".... You are an example of a faithful woman! Those pioneer women had NOTHING on you! You could push a handcart through the mountains, give birth, hunt and kill the buffalo so your children had something to eat for dinner, build the fire, gut and fix the dinner, circle the wagons, fight off the attacking Indians and gently lead your family in prayer and hymns before tucking them safely in bed...and you could do it all in a single day! WAY TO GO! I am amazed and strengthened by your strength. I love you."

I am still laughing. Well Said Cindy


  1. I'm so grateful you had a good day!! What a blessing! And using the Berlin as a paperWeight is genius :) if you guys have the bare this burden you might as well get an awesome one-of-a-kind paperweight out of it! And hey! Then you could always have a little piece of Lindsey Lou there with you :)

  2. So thankful for your good day, it means a good day for all of us as well. Way to go Lindsey and I love the hair. The Berlin would make a great show and tell when Lindsey returns to school next fall. I have an old pacemaker that has been to several science classes. Praying for a new heart soon. Love, Kay

  3. Yes, Stacy could definitely handle any pioneer woman's day and then multiply that by 10 and she could still take it and defeat that challenge, too. Thank you, Jason for sharing that, I loved it and it is so true!!!
    Lindsey Lou, we are so happy today was a good day for you and it's wonderful to see that smile, I've been missing that great big smile. You are one beautiful, brave, and courageous little girl....probably braver and tougher than all the boys at school!!!! (Shhhh don't tell them that, I would hate to see them cry!!!! hahaha!!!) Keep fighting and smiling because you are doing an amazing job showing and teaching the rest of us how to be so brave and courageous!! We love you so much....oh, and don't forget to make sure your Dr. B still has pink nails tomorrow!! With so much love and prayers for each of you, love the nedrow's XOXOXOXO

  4. So glad that Lindsey has had a good day. We are sending up little prayers each time we think of you. Take Care!

  5. Melissa from La GrandeJuly 12, 2012 at 11:02 PM

    I have read every post you written since the end of May. Lindsay and Gage have been in my thoughts and prayers. Tell her I think her blue hair is awesome! I will pray that God continues to move in Lindsay's body and your families life!

  6. I have been following your blog since the middle of June. I think you all are incredible and although I have never met you I think of you all daily. So glad Lindsey had a good day. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family!

    Take care,

  7. I think Aunt Cindy needs another history class; she forgot about taking the night watch, milking 3 cows, preventing the herd from stampeding, and painting the beautiful sunrise while breakfast cooks. As for the Berlin, maybe you could rent it out to vets so they can use it in surgery, a little side business for you. Stay strong and encourage those other families. Lovely princess Lindsey stay strong, and keep sharing those lovely smiles! So happy for all of you today!!!

    Janet Hays

  8. So glad Lindsey got the tube out and had a good day!! Praying for more better days and heart, of course. Also love seeing thatis smile. Hope there are many more smiling pictures to come. Lindsey is so unbelievable brave! She is amazing! All of you are.

    Carrie Sloan

  9. Yeah!!!! So excited things are going well! Go Lindsey! My coworkers and I check the blog multiple times a day. One of the calls Lindsey his girl. "Gotta go check on my girl" it is really cute! There are multiple people praying for you in salt lake city!

    What game does an ant play with an elephant? Squash

    Why did the chicken cross the playground twice? To get to the other slide

    Keep smiling Lindsey, it brightens the whole world literally!

    Lots of love,

    Nick and Kathy Taylor and kids

  10. Yahoo! Ohh, that smile! Absolutely, PRICELESS!
    Thank you, Lord for hearing our prayers! Small steps are HUGE at this point! Hope you have a super great day today, Lindza-riffic, you've earned it!!!
    Love Cindy's view of Stacy, so funny, so true but don't take offense, Jason someone needs to be 'normal' in the family!!! As always, prayers are with you all today! May God keep blessing you! M

  11. Yahoo! Ohh, that smile! Absolutely, PRICELESS!
    Thank you, Lord for hearing our prayers! Small steps are HUGE at this point! Hope you have a super great day today, Lindza-riffic, you've earned it!!!
    Love Cindy's view of Stacy, so funny, so true but don't take offense, Jason someone needs to be 'normal' in the family!!! As always, prayers are with you all today! May God keep blessing you! M

  12. Aunt Cindy nailed it! Tell Stacy she is one of those "stoic" women from her nursing book. Love you guys.

  13. WAHOO!!!!! Go Lindsey! So good to hear about improvements! I'm sending my prayers your way all the time. If there is anything I can do to help or anything I can send please don't hesitate to ask!
    Brittany (Willitts) Marrione

  14. So happy for your progress Lindsey!!! Hope Gage is feeling lots better. Don't know if they will let you do this, but when one of our children was recovering from a surgery, we brought in bubbles. This really helped encourage him to take deeper breaths. And it was a diversion from the boredom of just laying there with all the tubes etc! Praying that Friday the 13th is your lucky day Lindsey!!! Johanna Anderson

  15. Jason and Stacy,

    I am Drew Martin's cousin, Sarah (Richelderfer) Anderson. I don't know you well, but I knew Justin pretty well when he and Drew were younger and ran around together all the time.

    I have heard of your family's struggles and check your blog each day to see what progress has been made. I simply cannot imagine anyone going through what your family is enduring and I pray for strength for you all.

    As you have said before, everything about this is absolutely "unbelievable" and I admire your strength and your unshakable faith.

    Thinking of you all,

  16. I think it is true for all of you, you definitely have the patience to. We love you Joyce and the 5 boys

  17. Ha ha, Cindy did put it perfectly! Stacy is a rock! I'm so glad Lindsey is doing better!!Emily

  18. This shelby we have worked all week with stands and we made $527 just selling lemonade and brownies
    to help you guys!!!

    we love you!!
