Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1, 9:50pm, Gage is out

Gage came out at 7:30. We were still at the RMH so we hurried back to get report from the doctors. Everything went as planned. Took vent out and is doing well. In a lot of pain right now because of the equipment placed inside. I guess we have 2 kids on mechanic support. This is still unbelievable!!

Had a good visit with my brother, Josh. He shared the amazing testimonies and thoughts from the ward. We are very blessed to live where we do and have the support of so many. Right now Stacy is sitting by Gage and I am by Lindsey. We are both where we want and need to be. Gage just screams out about every 15-30 minute. You can tell he doesn't feel well. This will be a long night. Hope our other kids are doing okay where ever they are. Time to switch, Gage wants his Daddy.

That's the pacemaker sitting in his chest.


  1. This is such a blessing! Thank you God for allowing surgery to go well and please continue to bless the Bingham Family with many more blessings and miracles. Loves and prayers to all. You are amazing parents!!!!

  2. Sitting in church today we sang this hymn. The words of the first verse brought tears to my eyes as my thoughts were with you and your sweet children. Know that you are loved, that you are never alone, and live within God's rest...

    Be Still My Soul

    Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
    Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
    Leave to thy God to order and provide;
    In every change, He faithful will remain.
    Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
    Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

  3. Glad to hear things went well with Gage! We pray for your family daily.

  4. Our love and prayers continue to ask that Lindsey and Gage will be blessed with so many things. And now I pray for Lindsey to not hurt more than ever and that she gets that popsicle she's asking for!! Breaks my heart to know that she is hurting. :( Our love and prayers are constantly with all of you. Keep your hope and faith and those miracle are just around the corner. with love the nedrow's

  5. AND So happy that both of you are able to be right by Lindsey and Gage's sides when they request!! That in it's own essence is incredible for all of you.--the nedrow's

  6. Hey Jas and Stacy
    It was a very touching sacrament meeting. Sierra and Megan (along with a lot of little cousins, your dad and brothers) bore their testimonies. Very sweet. Your sweet kids all look great. They are troopers just like their parents.
    We love you guys.

  7. Thinking of you and praying also. Thanks for posting the news. Tom and Karen

  8. Jason & Stacy,
    We just heard about your sweet children and all the medical stuff your family is going through. We can not imagine the stress you are feeling. Please know that Daryl and I are praying for your family!
    ~Daryl & Pearl Christman
