Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, The Widow's Mite

4:15 pm.
Not a lot to report. Slept well last night. Stacy didn't have to stay the night. Went on a walk this morning and went a little further than last time. They gave her a little versed to ease the anxiety.  She is feeling a bit dizzy today. Not sure why.  In rounds they are not going to change much.  The x-ray of her right lung looked a little better.  The chest tube has minimal draining. Her right side pressures seem to be okay.  She is tolerating her tube feeding okay.   There is another small clot forming, but not growing.  Blood thinner was increased.  So now we just need to get her stronger.  She took a long nap and now we are getting her ready for another walk.  Still fighting the dizziness though. Maybe it is the versed, but it is a really small dose.

Hillary, Garrity and the rest of the gang just passed through Winnemucca.  That will be nice to be all together.

We are so impressed and overwhelmed by the love and support from our community.  Novalee's efforts remind me of the 'Widow's Mite' as Jesus taught.  What a good example to learn from.  I am sure there are many other efforts we are not aware of . Thank you for making Eastern Oregon the best place on earth.  We want to be home so bad, but for now and for a while, this is where we all need to be.

Just finished the afternoon walk.  She went further than before, equivalent to about 1/2 lap.  But she was more dizzy than before. She acts like she is going to pass out. Her eyes roll as she is trying to walk. I won't pretend to know why, but they are watching it.

Praying for the support and comfort of the future donor family. Pray that they will cherish these last few days, weeks or months with their child.
Till next time


  1. Oh versed- I HATE that drug with a passion!! Its awful! Hopefully she pulls out of her dizzy spells!!

    Jason- your writing really is incredible! I love what you said about the donor's family cherishing their time with their child. That is beautiful! We have been praying that they will feel peace and comfort, and be open and willing to donate. But I really like that! We will definitely be praying that they will cherish their time with their child!

    Love you guys!! Praying that a good nights rest will kill the dizziness!!

  2. Sorry you're dizzy Lindsey. I know that is a really awful feeling. Hopefully it will clear up over night. I just read my fb and the report from Novalee's cupcakes. That is so sweet, she sure is a good friend. Jason, your insight is amazing. When this is all over I hope your write a book. My niece sent me this little quote and I thought of you guys. "If God brings you to it, He'll help you through it." Love, Kay

  3. Jason will write a book, Stacy will be a crackerjack nurse for some wonderful heart specialist in BAKER, and Lindsey Lou and Sierra can be inspirational speakers about how to keep the Faith and be strong and to expect miracles. And Gage will be... Gage. We love you and your courage and faith inspires us to be braver, more faithful, and more grateful for our blessings. Love, Phil and Judy

  4. Keep strong Lindsey—things will work out! Praying for your relief and strength.


  5. So very sorry to hear about the dizzy spells..

    Did you hear about the tornado warning in Baker County? Lots of interesting weather happening up here. Sami and I missed it. We were in Idaho!

    Hope everyone has a beautiful restful night tonight.

  6. Anytime I have any kind of an 'issue' and it affects what I am doing, I stop and offer it up remembering it is NOTHING compared to what you are going thru. Thank you for my daily reality check :)
    Glad you had an ok day, better than a bad one for sure. Stay strong Lindsey! Have fun with the rest of the family. I'm sure it will be a happy time for all :)
    God bless you all! Love and prayers, too! PS. Hope you get a good night's rest!

  7. I hope the dizziness is just the versed because that is an easy fix. Kole has been asking a lot of questions and tonight at dinner he wanted to know where Lindsey Lou would get her new heart. I explained to him (as best as I could to a 4 year old) and he seemed to understand. He was quiet for a minute and then he said, "Oh actually Mom I know where she will get it. It will come from Jesus." I couldn't have said it better. Love and prayers from us in Vegas!

  8. "They" say God only gives you what you can handle...I think you all must be the superhero family ( Kinda like the Incredibles...that's what you are...the Incredibles...)
    because you are handling it--I can only imagine how hard it is to "handle" this... You ALL really are incredible and strong...strong in each other and your faith, that is what keeps pulling you through... I pray for a calm for you all, for a smile to Lindsey Lou's face, for safe travels for the family, good nights sleep, the doctors, and for a perfect match soon...

    I love how you're praying for the donor's family as well...I hadn't thought about that part of it yet. Thank you for opening my eyes!

  9. What a blessing it will be to have the family back together as a family again!! I love this idea and am so excited that within a few hours this will happen! Thank you Hilary and Garrity!! Now you will be stronger than ever and Miss Sierra will be there to give more great advice to Lindsey Lou and Gage!
    Lindsey Lou I wish that the dizziness would go away, thats never any fun to have to fight through that feeling. Just remember that it will pass soon. Keep up working hard and fighting through everything because each step will help make you stronger. Maybe we need Mrs. Cutright there to help out with the "Going on a Bear Hunt" song! :) No offense clan, but she is pretty GREAT at it (years of practice!!).
    We got to visit with Grandma Leslie for a bit this afternoon, which was great! We got to hear lots about her trip and we learned a little about different cultures and countries. And we all agreed how wonderful it is to live where we live and how much we enjoy our community and country!!
    Our prayers will continue to be lifted up for Lindsey, her health, strength, the doctors, your family, and that every family will cherish every moment they have with their children. May the Good Lord bless each family with more strength and acceptance towards the importance of organ donating and giving the gift of LIFE to others. with many, many, many prayers and loves to you each of you, XOXOXOXO bets

  10. Praying for you and your family!

  11. Jason and Stacy, Lindsey, Gage, and all the crew....wishing you a good morning and safe and hope filled day ahead!! Praying for God's protection....and praying that he might send his mighty angels to surround you and guard and protect each one of you physically and emotionally today!! Lindsey, people tell me I'm dizzey all the time....this too will pass!!
