Tuesday, July 17, 2012

June 17, 3rd walk of the day

9:50 pm.
Just completed our 3rd walk of the day. She wasn't crazy about it, but Mom talked her into it.  She is improving every day. The Berlin has minimal clotting, she is on blood thinner, the chest tube is not draining much, tube feedings are going ok, and the right lung is showing slight improvement.  She still gets dizzy and faint on her walk and looks pale. Talking about going on a 'field trip' up to the 3rd floor and to the play room.  Hopefully by Thursday we can do that.

She is still pretty cranky.  Ya know, sometimes I don't blame her.  We all get to leave, go about our lives, we come back, check the blog, then head out to get something to eat, do something fun or just what ever.  She is stuck her 24/7 with all this 'stuff' hanging from her day in and day out for 32 days straight and counting (seems like a lot longer).  I would get pretty ticked too.  Having said that, I had to have a little talk with her about being nice to the nurses, therapist, and doctors. Not sure if it worked, but a Dad has to try.  We are working the jokes and occasionally we can get a smile.  Not giving up yet. Her nose drips from the feeding tube so we go through a lot of tissues, thus the 'tissue and boogie' joke seems to be a good one. 

Garrity and Hilary have been good for her, along with the excitement Hunter and Gage bring.  Sierra and Mega are still her biggest fans.

As the chin hair grows on.............


  1. I am so glad that your family gets to be together. That is a great feeling having everyone there. We love you and pray for your little family. Take Care..Debbie

  2. I would be cranky too. Summer is the time we are free from school and we should be doing fun things with our families. I am thankful you are all together at this time. Tell her I can send her some good books to read so she can prepare for 3rd grade. I'm sure that's just what she wants to do! NOT! When I get back to my classroom I'll dig out my 3rd grade joke book and mail it to you. They are typical 3rd grade humor - so bad but it always makes me laugh. That's why I love teaching 3rd grade. Tell her I think of her daily and can't wait to see her! Prayers to you all!

  3. Poor girl. Glad she's doing a bit better, but poor girl! Praying that you can get a new heart, and that this will all soon be memories rather than your day-to-day fare.


  4. I'm so glad to read that there was a 3rd walk! Great job, mom....and Lindsey!!! I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be as parents. I am so impressed by reading what you each do every day to not only encourage her to get better, but to encourage all of us along with you. In making certain to pray for your family, we are doing better with our own prayers. Thank you for your example, especially yours, Lindsey. We are all wishing we could be there in the hall with you each day as you walk to cheer you on! Praying that soon someone, somewhere will be as brave and strong as you in their decisions to give you the gift you need so badly. Hope you all rest well, with only good surprises from here forward :)

  5. I have been following your story for almost two weeks now and I am continually amazed at how strong you all are. Little lindsey is just one tough little girl. Scientifically bees should not be able to fly their wings are to small and fragile for their bodys, but yet somehow they fly against all odds, they not only fly but they make our world a more colorful and bountiful place to live. So with that said your little lindsey is a lot like a Bee it may seem at times like its impossible to push on but she does and she makes this world a brighter more bountiful place to live!! She has touched many lifes through her will to live... So stay strong Lindsey your heart will come and you will change the world....

  6. Jason, you are right, all of these normal activities we all take for granted and don't appreciate near enough. Thank you for opening our eyes to this and make us all want to appreciate LIFE and daily activities MORE. Stacy, I will now also appreciate going to the, what I call "the dreaded" grocery store more of a blessing, too.
    With the spirit of thinking how to help Lindsey out with enjoying the crazy outside world we thought of this...........
    First, we're thinking you'll have to get some SPY GEAR glasses that you could wear outside Jason and then she could view it on the kindle....so whatever you do I would go somewhere very chaotic and maybe half scary and ugly and also make sure she can hear all the noises (again, loud noises that we overlook the joy they also must bring) so Lindsey will be thinking hanging with AWESOME Doctors and Nurses, along with her INCREDIBLE and AMAZING family isn't all too bad after all. Sometimes being inside of a crazy and overwhelming world is a blessing; however being trapped for so many days is also more than a challenge and a bit depressing.
    Lindsey, we love you dearly. Keep working hard, I know this is a challenge, but you are doing an amazing job and setting such an example for everyone around you. I'm thinking it's your turn to ask for something special that would help to make your stay more pleasant. So you tell your mom and dad they must text or call me and you can tell me what we can do to you help you out!!
    We have a few jokes that kids having been holding onto.....
    Q) Where do snowmen dance? A) At the SNOWBALL!
    Q) What is a pig's favorite karate move? A) a PORK CHOP!
    We love you Miss Lindsey Lou, and we are all cheering for you loud and eagerly! Infact I can't believe you can't hear us all!! :) Here's to a blessful day with a new record walk (going for the GOLD), possibly even to 3rd floor, for more smiles, to happiness, to your strength, and for a new heart. loves and prayers, XOXOXOXO

  7. I too have been "stalking" your blog for the past while. I think and pray for your family and my 9-year old is getting a list of jokes together that he thinks lindsey will love. I am Hilary's age.. (my maiden name is Morrison - I'm from La Grande). My heart aches for your family and pray that you all will receive the miracles you need. The strength you show inspires me. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through, but offer prayers in your behalf.
    Brandy Fisher - Boise, ID
