Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30, 11:00pm, Unbelievable!

What a day. Lindsey is actually doing well... I guess. The Berlin is pumping like crazy. They have her lightly sedated so we are able to talk to her and hold her hand. She wants a drink of water, but the ventilator and other hoses are in the way. There are a lot of stuff going into her. I see 7 separate IV's, 3 chest tubes, hose in her nose, ventilator, some other hose draining fluid out of her lungs, wires coming out of her chest, and I think that is it. There is a nurse here full time watching her.
Scott and Tanner Hayhurst came by. Tanner had a basketball tournament in SF. That was nice of them to come visit. You could tell it was hard for Scott and Tanner to see Lindsey that way. Then, out of the blue, Greg and Erin Ripplinger come walking down the hall. They just came over to visit. Very nice of them. They will be here again tomorrow. Gage and I flew in today. We left our car at Hayhurst in Boise and flew on SouthWest. We got here around 4:00pm. Stacy was asleep from her long night before.

Your not going to believe what I am about to tell you. Gage had been acting funny for the last few days back in Oregon. Low appetite, tummy aches, low energy, and very winny. I have been taking his blood pressure and his pulse sounded strange. While I was home I called and told Stacy who then talked to the Drs. I brought Gage with me to keep in eye on the cute little 'Gage-a-real-eous' (his nickname). The nurse that is taking care of Lindsey took his blood pressure and pulse and told us we should have him formally evaluated in the pediatric ER. Long story short, Lindsey is in room #2337 and Gage in in room #2335! No joke. He has a 'Complete Heart Block' meaning he has a very irregular heart beat. Unbelievable! They are going to watch him very close tonight. He has an IV, and an external pacemaker. They have also marked his neck in case they need to do an internal pacemaker through his neck, kind of like a catheritation. Basically, he has major heart problems that are probably caused by his Cardiomyopathy. We haven't talked much about his heart problems because of our Lindsey Lou, who is right over there on the Berlin Heart. Unbelievable! So Lindsey and Gage are next to each other in the CVICU. Unbelievable! I am so sick to my stomach right now. When Dr. Axelrod (very nice guy who looks like Waldo) was showing how much his ekg had changed since June 8 I almost fainted, I was light headed and just couldn't believe was I was hearing and seeing. In my opinion, we are going down the same route as Sierra and Lindsey, mark my words. What a nightmare. Right now they are doing an echo to look closer at his heart.  I really don't want to know the results. They did a chest x-ray, but again I don't what to know, I just don't. Don't forget, Lindsey is STILL over there on mechanical support.

Ya know, I always thought that the Sierra events 6 years ago with the 'end' of that trial.  Maybe, that was preparing us for something bigger.

Stacy is still strong as can be. What a woman.

 You can see the Berlin Heart at the bottom on the striped towel.

Scott and Tanner Hayhurst.
 Gage getting an echo on the right. Stacy with Lindsey on left. Still - Unbelievable!
 Gage with Dr Axelrod on the right.  Big white pad is for the external pacemaker.
 This is Kerns' cabin where my family is having a family reunion this weekend.


  1. Ok really this is too much. Too much. I don't even know what to say? Is this for real?? How can this be? Jason & Stacy you are amazing....truly amazing. I feel so helpless. What can we do? Please tell me.

  2. Unbelievable is right! Just when you think it can't get worse. . .I'm so glad the Berlin will help lou lou. I googled heart block to see what was going on. What a blessing you are there with those precious kids under the care you are. We love you guys. I hope our prayers are strengthening you. Your wife is amazing with her ability to rise to the occasion.

  3. Completely unbelievable. How can something so unfair even be possible.

  4. Our prayers are with your family, what a devastating story this is. My heart is breaking for you all.

  5. I am so so sorry! I can't even put into words the heartache I am feeling for you guys right now. Jason you are right about Stacy she is a strong soul. I've known her a long time and she has always been that way. She's like a "machine"! I am praying and thinking of you guys every day. Thank you so much for updating and posting all that goes on. You guys have beautiful children, ones that are eternally yours. I am so thankful for the resurrection that will heal all our sicknesses and ailments and above all for the Master who has made it all possible. Love the Falslev's

  6. Praying for two more miracles for your beautiful family. My gosh.
    We never know why things happen, but how amazing is it that Stacy chose to be nurse and she can be the mother and caregiver that your children need, and that you are a man of God that can lay his hands on his children and others. Your children are truly blessed to have the both of you as their caretakers. YOU both are living miracles for the children that you have been blessed with.
    We continue to pray for all of you and we hope each day brings you more strength and peace and the knowledge that this is just a blip in eternity - even though the moments are painful. xo

    1. Well said about Jason and Stacy, how true this is. Keep fighting kiddos and may you all be blessed by the grace of God. Loves to all of you--Betsy

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Stake fast for your family today. You're in our prayers. I'm confident you'll be able to have your family together at home in Baker once again, it will just take some time...
    The Chastains

  9. Shawna Kirkland-OpieJuly 1, 2012 at 8:50 AM

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.....

  10. I can't even express what I'm thinking or feeling right now!!! Those sweet pics of the kiddos just brings back so many memories that I don't care to relive and here you both are doing just that. If I could reach through the computer right now and give you a hug I would!! Please know that I'm thinking of you and your sweet family and sending prayers your way! Love you and wish for the very best!! Oh...and Stace...breaking down in tears is ok...don't feel like you have to be strong all the time :) A good cry still gets me through tough days:) Luv ya!!! Jess

  11. Wow I don't even know what to say. My heart is breaking for you. This is unbelievable. Your family has been in our thoughts and prayers continuously.
