Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 20, Waiting to be listed

These pictures tell a lot about her status. 
Lindsey had an uneventful evening and night.  No arrhythmias or other alarming stuff. Last night we took her on her only walk of the day.  Had to drag her out of bed.  She doesn't like to get out much. Ate a little bit last night, 2-3 bits. They have been giving her quite a bit of diuretics (IV to make her pee).  They have pulled a lot of fluid off of her.  When the heart is pumping well, fluid gets built up in her body, lungs, etc. By pulling the fluid off, the heart doesn't have to work as much. 
The top picture shows how she feels most of the time.  Stacy does a good job helping her feel cute.  She washed and did her hair this morning.  Looking pretty cute this morning.  Right now she is working on her 'homework'.   I try not to look at the monitor much, it shows her heart rate, oxygen level, blood pressure, and a bunch of other things I have no idea what it means.  If you look at it too much, it can consume you and drive you crazy.  So we are hoping for a nice boring day. Rounds will be coming by soon.  Then we will find out what the doctors want to do or adjust for.
She still is NOT on the official transplant list.  Now we are waiting on our insurance company.  If it hasn't happened this morning, I would like to call and find out from a parents stand point.  It's not like we are trying to screw the insurance company.  I just want to know what the hold up is. Everyday counts to me.
Stacy and I had our echos today in the adult echo labs.  We will find out this afternoon if there is anything, but the tech didn't see anything major.
Here comes rounds... talk later


  1. The picture of Stacy fixing Lindsey's hair is so SWEET!
    I wish I could give my little friend a big hug.
    Love you guys!

  2. I love you guys so much, I wish i could be there with you guys so much, Send Princess my love and tell her that we will be sending a package to her soon. Hang in there guys, LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

  3. Also we have hunter here tonight and he is doing great, We LOVE your kids and I am loving them to pieces!!!
