Friday, June 29, 2012

June 29, Berlin consent has been signed

9:45 pm.
Stacy has signed the consent for the Berlin Heart.  Lindsey will go in tomorrow morning.  Still throwing up every 1/2 hour. It will be a very long night for all. Stacy found Catherine Stucki to help find someone to give Lindsey a blessing.  She received one back in May, but things are different now. I wish so badly I was there right now to give Lindsey a blessing, but I need to trust and have faith in our good friends in California.

Talked to Ripp the other night.  He was a good friend from my college days.  I am so grateful for the love concern and sincere prayers.  Haven't talked to Stacy for a couple of hours.  Hopefully Lindsey can hang on.  Interesting this is the exact same situation Sierra was in.  Thought I would never have to live that again.

Here are a few cute pictures of Lindsey from the past.


  1. I wish she didn't have to go on it but am so grateful for the advanced medicine that even makes it an option. Praying for Lindsey, Stacy, you and the Doctors. Love you guys.

  2. Jason hang in there buddy, you are an amazing father and we pray for your safe travels this morning. And its more than unbelievable that you guys are going through this again. I am thankful that medicine has grown and improved in just a few years. Lindsey is in the best hands and the prayers will power together to get her through this. Loves and prayers to all of you, especially to Lindsey....for the heart to come soon, to her health giving her the strength she needs, and to the doctors taking care of her. with much love -the nedrows

  3. Its sounds like your whole family is very strong with everything that's been thrown at you! I hope everything goes well for your little princess tomorrow. I'm praying for her and your beautiful family. The Crews family

  4. We are praying with all our might!
    Love you all

  5. Prayers for all of you. Keeping her in our thoughts and we have faith that she is safe and sound and has many lifting her up right now, as well as your entire family.

    Travel safely.

  6. Praying so much for your family!
