Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28, Phew!!! Out with that tube!

6:00 pm.
We had a long night last night, but better as the day went on.  Lindsey fell asleep last night at about 11 p.m. I went back to the RMH at 11:30. Lindsey called at 1 AM complaining that her throat hurt. She said she would try some ice chips and call me if that didn't help. Know that the entire day she had barely talked or eaten and to go on walks were miserable for her. At 3:30AM the nurse called me and said Lindsey was asking for me. Lindsey only asks for us to be there when she is not feeling well. She vomited shortly after I got there and was miserable. She finally dozed off with me holding her in the bed at 4:30 or 5. Of course my mind starts wondering if we are at the point of mechanical support. She woke up at 7:30 complaining of her throat hurting and nausea. She ended up vomiting again after that. During rounds the docs decided that the feedings are too much and her body doesn't have the reserves to digest. So, out with the feeding tube! Lindsey was really nervous to have it out, but did great. Her dad called shortly after it came out. She brightened right up and talked more than she did all day yesterday. And, she hasn't stopped. The hospital showed the movie "Brave" for the patients. They even had an artist that helped make the movie come and draw pictures of movie characters for the kids. They also handed out bags that had "Brave "paraphernalia in it. That really lit up her day. The hope is we can get her to eat and tolerate food orally or we are looking at mechanical support or a new heart. I would rather the new heart first, personally. The next few days will tell.


  1. Well this sounds like she had a better day. Stacy I'm with you let's pray that can happen....

  2. I know she is much more comfortable without the tube, so for that reason I'm glad it's out. I hope now she can eat!

  3. WOW, what a night for both of you! Poor Lindsey Lou, she is really not needing any extra complications to make her feel poorly. Sounds like 'Brave' was just the thing she needed and of course a phone conversation from good ol' DAD was a booster! Did she ask how the facial hair is coming?!!!?
    Many, many, many prayers for all of the above, Stacy, and that the Lord will gift Lindsey with the much needed appetite, strength, and healthiness needed for the new heart. Keep your chins up. Stacy you are an awesome MOM. You are both truly AMAZING!!! We love you and miss you both. Love The Nedrow's

  4. That is really neat that the Brave guy came and drew pictures!!! Tell Lindsey that i'm jealous :D I'm glad they try to make things exciting for the kids. Love you Lindsey we think about you all the time!!! Sending hugs and kisses (and of course prayers) your way :D
