Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, Just went in

Lindsey just went in for the Catheritation. They once again explained the risks involved. So now we wait. They are prepared to put her on echmo and explained how that will work. 


  1. We are praying for every bad word to go away. Bold clots, arithmias, ekmos... and any other bad word we can think of. I am so grateful for blogs and facebook. With Siera we had to wait with baited breathe for any little bit of info to trickle down. And we were not able to let you know how much we were thinking about you. Thank you for taking the time AND energy to update Lindsey's progress!

  2. Holding my breath. Good luck girlie.

  3. I second Shel's comment!! Love you guys and we are praying constantly!

  4. You have a super neat kiddo there we can tell. I am amazed at all she has gone through and still has a neat smile on her face. We have been thinking of you lots and praying.

  5. Hi Guys.....I'm waiting on pins and needles....nothing from you guys yet. Reading your post was the first I had heard of ECMO....it's freaking me out. Please once you have a chance please let us know how it all went.
