Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sierra's 12th Birthday!

For Sierra's 12th birthday, she gets to wear makeup. So, for her birthday she wanted to have a Mary Kay party with her friends. It was a lot of fun. Lindsey was our photographer for most of the night, thus why we have so many wonderful pictures to share. We are so glad that Lacey and Emily came and added more fun to the evening. Thank you Erin for doing such an awesome job!

Sierra with her gift for having the party.

Megan and I cleaning our faces.

Sierra's birthday cake. Precious Moments per her request.

Aunt Lacey with her face cleaned and ready to start the paint.

Emily also ready to start the "painting" part of the party.
Megan Hufford having a good time.

Everyone at the table looking good!

Sierra and Tamera checking out different "shades" of eyeshadow on each other.

Lauren and Megan comparing colors.

Everyone all made up and looking glamorous.

Blowing out the candles.

Happy #12 Sierra, we love you!

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