Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow, Snow, Snow!!

You wouldn't know that it is June here. Don't pay attention to the date on the pictures, because they are wrong. We have had so much fun having Bradey and Lacey live by us. One of the many benefits is that Bradey is in charge of the Merrill reunion this year. He wants to have it here in Oregon.

Jason has a client that has a cabin up by Anthony Lakes. The client is allowing us to have our reunion at his cabin. We are so excited. Since the snow hasn't really been melting, we thought we would take a Sunday drive up to the cabin to show Bradey and Lacey what there is to do. As we arrived to the head of the road that heads back to the cabin, we hit a huge snowdrift that would not allow us to take our van down the road. We brought our bikes to ride, thinking it would be a fun family activity. Unfortunately, we couldn't make it further than 5 ft. down the road. We ended up hiking up the road in gym shoes and ankle deep snow. After hiking about a 1/3 of a mile, we made it to the cabin and this is what we found. (keep in mind that it is June).

Megan, Sierra, Lindsey and Sierra's friend Lola. Standing in the only bare ground there.

Gage thinking this is really not that fun of a family activity.

Stop taking pictures and come pick me up!!

You can't see the front porch and stairs, it was buried in snow.

Jason trying to peek in and explain to Bradey what the cabin looks like inside.

Megan wants a peek too.
Needless to say, after this venture, we are very nervous for the reunion that is 6 weeks away. That's a lot of snow that needs to melt!!

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