Monday, December 26, 2011

The Baker Triathalon

May 7th was Baker's 3rd annual YMCA mini triathlon. My best work out buddy, Rhonda Fritz and I, participated in it last year and enjoyed it very much. This year, Jason decided to join us. It was a lot of fun. Jason is a great sport and had a good time as well.

He and I were in the same heat. Which worried me, because I really had been working hard to get in shape and I really wanted to beat him! I was really going to feel bad if he beat me, because he had not been training as hard as I had been. He ended up being the last one out of the pool. His last half lap the water was smooth as glass. I came in first out of the three of us and Rhonda came in right behind me with Jason right behind her.

We look forward to doing it again next year!!

The whole North Powder Gang that participated in the triathlon.
Jason, Me, Paula Moe, Rhonda Fritz and Peggy Brown.

Ronda and I ready to get started.

Jason and I getting ready.

Laying everything out.

Stacy coming in from the bike.

Jason and Ronda neck and neck returning from the biking.

Ronda getting a good start on the last leg - the run.

Jason heading off on his run.

Our cheering squad.

Jason coming into the finish line.

Oh those wonderful after pics!

Yeah, we did it honey!!
Now it is off to baseball games!!

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