Sunday, August 28, 2011

Funny, Funny Gage!

Gage is so funny!! When I think that we almost lost him, I am so grateful every day that he pulled through. I can't imagine not having him here to do all of these funny things.

Gage decided that he was going to potty train himself. He all of a sudden decided he didn't want to wear a diaper anymore. Even if that meant that he had accidents. To encourage this decision, I decided to buy him some new "fun" underwear. He was so excited about this underwear that he had to sleep with it and took it with him everywhere. It was pretty funny.

Gage in his big boy underwear riding the horse with Hunter.

Gage loves sugar and sweets. He would not give this sucker up before he fell asleep. He hid it when he layed down. This is how I found it later when I went to check on him.

Gage and Daddy with his proud package of underwear.

Gage sleeping with his underwear.

Gage sleeping yet again with his underwear, too funny!

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