Sunday, May 22, 2011

Christmas Eve Tubing!!

This year we of course had our annual "Christmas Eve Tubing" event. It was a funner year than years in the past. Because, not only did we get to have Justin and Emily and their family here, but we also were able to have my brother Bradey and his family here. They moved up here to North Powder a week or two before Christmas. We are so excited that they are living here so close to us!! Here are some pictures of the fun event.

Dad and Gage

Lindsey getting ready for her first run.

So far so good. No accidents, everyone is having fun.

Bradey and Mason

Starting to get the hang of it!

Gage still hanging in there!

Natalie, Jodilee, Janie and Stran

Mason found the hot chocolate!

Emily taking her pictures

Sierra loving this tradition!

"Is it time to go yet?" Lindsey's first crash! Oh the trauma!

Keanna thinking that she can handle this tradition.

Ayla and Justin

Hunter loving it!

Just taking a breather by the fire.

Our table is set . Soooo much fun!

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