Sunday, September 26, 2010

So It Has Been Awhile!!!

I apologize, it has been way too long. I feel like I finally have a moment to breathe and thought I had better start getting our blog caught up. I will try and do a blog every one to two days until we are caught up. The first part of July was busy with working on the shop and swimming lessons. The kids always look forward to swimming lessons. Sierra threw a little kink into our July planned schedule, but all is well now. Thank you Bonnie for the reminder to get my blog updated. I will make it more of a priority!!

Hunter and Lindsey hanging out with us while working on the shop. Lindsey sporting her stylish tights.

Gage thinking his place to be is at the top of the ladder.

Jason was out changing pipe one morning and found a frog outside. He thought it would be great to show the boys. They were sound asleep and were awakened to this lovely creature .

Hunter trying to figure out if this is a dream or is there really a frog about ready to jump on him.

Gage is not so crazy about the frog as well.

Just don't let it touch me!!

Hunter was able to have swimming lessons with one of his favorite cousins Abigail. She is just too cute!

Hunter sporting his goggles.

Lindsey loving swimming lessons. She is so tiny that she can't touch the bottom of the pool and has to sit in a "crib." She is our little fish.

Megan loves swimming as well. She was in one of the higher levels where there are smaller classes. It made it a lot of fun for her.

Sierra attended the first week of swimming lessons and missed the 2nd because she got sick with a flu bug. Which started a whole cascade of fun that we will blog about later.

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