Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Old and New News

Well, it has been way too long since our last update. There are a few things I forgot to blog about, and since this is for a scrapbook I had better put them in. In March, the girls participated in a play at the school called "The Pied Piper." Megan was a cook and had quite a role. Sierra was a village person and Lindsey was a rat. It was really fun to watch and they had a fun time doing it.

Easter was wonderful. Some how we only got a picture of Gage and Sierra in their Easter outfits. I am unsure how that happened. Gage was pretty cute in his little suit though.

Jason went with Sierra to California for her biopsy on the 23rd of April. They flew over on the 22nd of April on a very nice jet. They made the trip from Baker to Palo Alto in 1 1/2 hours. They returned Friday the 23rd on two small planes. One took them from Palo Alto to Klamath Falls and the other took them from Klamath Falls to Baker. Jason did not do so well on the Klamath Falls to Baker leg of the trip. He ended up vomiting most of the trip. He was very glad to see ground when he got out of the plane.

Sierra's biopsy was another 1A, but it was barely a 1A. Apparently there was only a single cell of inflammation and before there were many. Here's to hoping for a 0 in June.

While in California Sierra and Jason ran into our dear friends the Stockwell's from Alaska. It was a blast to see them. Shawn was having some rejection issues. Shawn we are always praying for you!

Last Saturday was a "girls weekend" for me. I get to go and spend a weekend with my sisters, sister-in-laws and mother. It was a ball and Jason and the kids rode to Utah with me. They got to hang out with my brothers and see some old friends. It was fun for everyone.

Yesterday we woke up to 1 foot of snow. On May 4th we got more snow at one time than we did all winter long. I think our seasons are a bit confused with each other. Remember when spring was spring and winter was winter? I just hope that summer is summer! Thanks for checking on us!

Megan holding a cake at the play. These were taken with my cellphone. They are not as clear and nice as my camera. Sorry!

All the cooks with the town counsel members.

Sierra played one of the towns people. She is one of the girls in a red shirt.

A blurry close up of Sierra.

Lindsey Lou the rat.

The whole cast.

We have been enjoying blueberry smoothies lately at breakfast. We decided it is really hard to take anyone serious with these mustaches.

Hunter's mustache.

The leather interior of "the jet."

April 24th was Baker's Health Fair. We decided to do a booth for organ donation. It was kind of a long day, but don't you worry, the boys found a way to survive.

Jason and Sierra with the Stockwell's.

Sierra, Shawn and Hailey in front of the hospital.

Sierra and Hailey. Too cute. Thanks for the pictures Trista.

Gage and his cousin Range were playing outside one day. I thought this was a priceless picture. It was almost like they were saying, "Hey we finally got the trampoline to ourselves. Lets enjoy the moment."

Sierra and Gage in their Easter outfits.

This is what happens when the kids play computer games. It is kind of cute. It is usually Megan playing and everyone watching.

Jason with his friends the Gunnels.

The other morning with our foot of snow. GRRRR!

Time for school!


  1. I can't believe all that snow!!! What in the world, i agree I could use some summer I hope it warms up by the time we get there. WE are also very happy with Sierra's biopsy report, here's to a big fat ZERO!!! It's great to catch up

  2. Funny to think how green it is under that snow! Thanks for a fun weekend and good luck finishing the roof.
