Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pre-Christmas Activities

We started December off with a bang!! There are always the list of things to do before Christmas, such as, Christmas cards, make candy, goody plates to neighbors, and on and on and on. As I am sure all of you have the same list. It is amazing how quickly the time flies by. One evening on the 5th of Dec, I started to make some pepper jelly (thank you Bonnie for the recipe). We decided this year we would give these to the neighbors. However, I got 3/4 of the way through the recipe and found out I accidentally bought taco sauce instead of Tabasco sauce. Unfortunately I had to work that night so I was unable to finish until Jason came home with the Tabasco sauce. Which, left him to finish canning it. I must say, he did a wonderful job.Thank you so much dear!!

Lindsey showing off her lovely play earring she borrowed from her cousin Abigail.

Gage has been really cute lately with hats. He sees a hat (be it girls, boys or underwear) and puts it on his head. Then he parades around the house until everyone has seen him before he'll take it off.

Hunter not wanting Gage to have too much of the spotlight. Apparently spaghetti is a must have on the face for this outfit.

Sierra and Hunter showing off their "big" muscles. I am not sure who's is bigger.

Jason with the apron on getting serious about canning the pepper jelly.

Jason making sure Sierra took lots of pictures for mommy to see when she gets home.

With a lot of Sierra's help, the finished product. Way to go guys it looks beautiful!!

On the 7th of December, Hilary and I got together to do our annual Christmas chocolate dipping. It is always a lot of fun and the product is delicious. Hunter kept trying to be the taste tester.

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