Sunday, October 11, 2009

A ZERO Halloween Party!

We will start off with the greatest new of all, Sierra got a 0 on her biopsy. Her and I flew down to California Thursday the 9th. Her biopsy was Friday and she did it awake again. She did great and they called us this morning with the great news that it was negative. Definitely the news we needed to hear before we leave for 2 weeks to Europe.

Sierra and I arrived home Saturday, where we sprinted like crazy to get ready for our annual Halloween Party. Every year we have a Halloween party where we have family over, play games, eat and have home made spudnuts. It is a tradition that I got from growing up and we have been doing it as Bingham's for 11 years now. Everyone was really excited when we realized that next year Justin and Emily will be with us. (Yeahhhhh!!)

I also put in a couple of pictures of Gage's 1 year birthday. It was great fun! Thanks for checking on us.

Jason Bingham Clan. No real theme to our costumes just random.

Jacob clan, Jacob had on leiderhosen and Grandma Bingham yodeled for him.

Grandma and Grandpa, your guess is as good as mine. They were just funny.

Nick and Hilary's Clan, always too cute.

14 kids in all attended with their parents. It was great fun!

Gage after eating his one year birthday cake.

All those that assisted Gage in blowing out his candles.


  1. GREAT news - way to go Sierra!!!
    I love the pictures of the Halloween party. What a fun tradition!

  2. Wonderful news about Sierra! The Halloween party sounds and looks like fun. We have missed seeing you every so often.
    Have a great time on your vacation.

  3. Woo Hoo!!!!! Yay for 0's!!! I'm so excited that you guys get to go to Europe... party! Have a fun time!

  4. Hooray for the ZERO!!! we are very excited to see you guys in 2 weeks! I also loved Jake's Leidherhosen. It's very fitting, if he were a farmer here those could very well be his work pants.(I don't think they have ranchers here)
    We are vERY exctied. I think its less then 2 weeks now
