Saturday, October 31, 2009

London Day#2

I apologize for the brief post we left you with. We had only 20 minutes to post and so we had to be brief. The second day of London, we went and saw the changing of the guards. This is a big spectacle for tourists. This is where the guards from the night shift leave and the guards for the day shift come on. It occurs in front of the Buckingham Palace and a band plays. I am pretty sure I don't get that kind of reception when I get off of work! The flag on the palace was up meaning that the queen is in. However, we never did see her.

We then walked around London, to see the House of Parliment and "Big Ben" (the big clock tower). After we walked by there, we went to probably our most favorite place in London, Westminster Abbey. This is the Church of England and where most of the British King and Queens are buried and many other famous people. Such as Hendel and many other poets and musicians. We continued walking through London taking in the different sights and people which we really enjoyed.

We ended our trip in London with Phantom of the Opera. It was AWESOME!! We enjoyed it greatly and wished our girls could have been with us, they would have loved it!! We left Phantom at 10:00 pm, ran to out hotel, grabbed our bags, then to Victoria Station to catch the last bus to the airport. Our flight for Rome left at 6:15 am and there was no way we could leave early enough to get there on time. So, we took the last bus to the airport and slept a few hours along with at least a hundred other people sleeping on the floor of the airport. This was when we were greatful we didn't have our children. They would have been miserable!

The night before on a bridge that we were able to see Big Ben and the London Eye.

Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.

The band that plays. This was the only place we ever saw the traditional dress up of the London Guards.

Buckingham Palace. The Queen is in.

House of Parliment and Big Ben. The flag was up meaning they were in session.

Westminster Abbey

Jason's finger pointing to where the Prime Minister lives. The black and white house.

The guards that can't smile or move.

Jason and I at the Phantom Theatre House.

Sleeping on the floor at the airport.

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