Sunday, September 6, 2009

AC/DC & California

We had a fun and busy past week. It was the girls' first day of school Monday. Lindsey was ecstatic to finally be going to school all day.

Wednesday we left at 4:00AM for California. We had a concert to attend and it started at 7:00pm in San Jose. This just happen to fall along Sierra's biopsy schedule. (Coincidence? I think not!) Our dear friends the Stockwell's were going to go with us but were unable to (we really, really missed you guys). Jason found 2 of his scouts from 8 years ago to go with us. They were fun to take.

Thursday, we went and showed Dylan and Simon San Francisco. They had never been before so we crammed as much into one day as possible. We started at Pier 39, then to Fisherman's Warf, The Ghirardelli chocolate factory (Okay so that was for me.), and returned to our car. To our disappointment Trista, our friend was not on the corner of the parking garage for pictures. We went through China town, down Lombard street, and then on to the Golden Gate bridge. We also stopped at Muir woods on the north side of the bridge and then followed the highway along the coast to Half Moon Bay. It was a lot of fun and perfect weather.

Friday was Sierra's biopsy. She did it awake without any IV or anything for pain. Except for a local numbing cream they put on her neck where they go into get the biopsy from. She did cry a little. But, I am so proud of her I could burst. I don't think I could do it! We had some good news, her pressures in her heart have been high since May. This biopsy her pressures had returned to normal. Big relief. We don't know yet what her biopsy was but will hopefully find out Tuesday.

We got home safely Saturday morning at 5:00 AM. Thanks to Simon and Dylan who were determined drivers and got us through the longest hours of the night. Thank you boys we appreciate it. We will let you know when we hear on Sierra's biopsy. Thanks for checking on us.

The girls out by the bus stop their first day of school. Hunter saying, "It's not fair Mom."

Thee Angus Young in his prime.

These are for you George and Trista.

Obviously this guy caught on that we were taking a picture a little to late. Yes, Jason gave me grief for wearing Khaki capris to an AC/DC concert (I wasn't there to impress).

Simon and Dylan in China town.

Dylan talking to "His Grandpa." His parents might have some explaining to do. He sat down and this guy started talking to him and told him that he was his Grandpa. He was very nice, from Korea. He was full of advice and Dylan couldn't understand a word of it.

Dylan, Sierra and Simon at the Golden Gate Bridge.

The gang at Half Moon Bay just before the sun was setting.

We just thought this was a cute picture of the kids after church today husking corn out of the garden.


  1. AFter reading this post I realized that you guys pack in a lot, this upcoming vacation will be a snap for you guys. It's great that Sierra's biopsy results are good, good job Sierra for being brave!!!
    Stacy, I got a good laugh at your kaki pants at the concert and everyone looks adorable ready for school, can't wait to see you guys.Em

  2. Sounds and looks like the boys (and the old chaperones) had a great time! Great to hear the pressures are normal.
