Thursday, July 30, 2009

Update #3

Just got word on the 1st half of the biopsy results.

Background first.
2 types of rejection, Sierra has been battling both.

1st = cellular rejection, white blood cells attacking. Biopsy takes pieces of heart the tests for this. 2 weeks ago she was a 2. 0 = NO rejection, 4 = max rejection.

2nd = humeral rejection (spelling who knows)
This is the anti-bodies in the body fighting heart. Very complicated tests to test for this, and quite new. Been testing for this is last few years. Sierra has been fighting this rejection as well with monthly IV treatments.

SOOOO, She got a 1a for cellular rejection. We are VERY excited for that. I was expected much worse. We would like a zero, but this great for now.

Now we are waiting for the anti-body rejection test. Once that is in, they can determine a plan of attack. We are definately not out the woods yet, we may have to stay for new and possible aggressive treatment for the anti-bodies. Hopefully not.

We will keep posting
Thanks again for your comments, love, support and prays.