Friday, July 31, 2009


Sitting at the San Jose airport heading home. Rough day today. She had to get another IV put in for her last dose of IV Steroids. Took them 5 pokes to get it in. Not Fun! She got the treatment and we were out the door to catch the bus, train and now plane.

We have to come back in 2 weeks for another treatment of IVIG to fight off the anti-bodies.

Her energy level and appetite are way down, but hope she perks up as we head home and she can get some rest and home cookin, away from all the monitors, nurses and pokes.

Till next time


  1. 5 pokes!! That's just not right! I would have been coming un-glued....UGH!!! I'm glad you guys are home!

  2. That's great news! I just got home from Powell and had no idea all of that was going on!!! I'm glad she came back with a 1a!! WOO WOO!!!
