Monday, September 16, 2013

Sept 16, Mom's arm, Parvo, and the Deer Camp Meeting

Couple of crazy events. Kids are still doing great. Lindsey's swelling is going down...a little. Gage's appetite comes and goes. School is in session. Megan and Sierra are playing volleyball. Signed Lindsey up for 3-6th grade basketball starting in November. Gage loves to be and dress in 'cowboy'.  He has a cowboy shirt, pants, boots, belt, chaps, and vest. Then he head out to see Grandma or go show Range. He's a pretty cute little guy.

Now for the crazy events. My mom was kicked by a horse last week and broke her right arm slightly above the elbow. They took her to Boise for surgery to pin it back together. She was in a lot of pain, but is doing much better now. Horse is still around. In the horses defense, it was not an intentional kick; Mom was letting the horses out to pasture and they were kicking as they were running out the gate. At least that is the story Mom tells.  The horse (Pepsi) stays because Mom's vote is the only vote that counts.  Mom is doing great and seems to be healing well.

Axelrod has been properly initiated into the Bingham family. Last Monday he came down with parvo, some weird dog virus. Loss of appetite, vomiting, weakness, all the stuff our family is sensitive to. So of course he goes to the doggy hospital, blood tests, spends a few days on IV's and now he is good.  I guess to be apart of the Bingham Clan, you need a few days in the hospital on IV!

Last of all, last night we had our annual deer hunt meeting. This is a big deal to our family and extended family. The deer hunt is in 2 weeks and kids that are over 8 years old can go. So this year we have (no joke) 7 adults and 12 kids going. And here is the funny part, only Nick has a deer tag. No one else drew out this year. So really it turns into a big fun camp out with kids, with a little hunting on the side. But oh how the kids are excited.

That's it for now, Sierra and I head back to Calif the first week of October and all of them go back the first week of November.

Have a great week, till next time
The Big Dogs at the deer camp meeting

 Sierra in the Cove volleyball game.



Anonymous said...

Your so lucky lots dogs die from Provo. Be sure your puppy gets all shots. That includes flu so glad he pulled through. We can get some disease s that they get. Best to you all.

Par 5 said...

The problem with the horse is it's name...Pepsi? Now, if it were Coke (or Diet Coke) it probably wouldn't kick, it would probably be a perfect horse. :) Glad your mom is doing better, and that your little A-rod pulled through. That's another thing about being a Bingham, you pull through, no matter what! The dog definitely belongs in your family! Thanks for the updates!

xoxoxoxo's aunt said...

God Bless yall.

Anonymous said...

Pepsi kicked your mom?? Wow!!! I hope she is doing ok! I know we are 8 hours away, but are happy to do what we can... how about we start with prayers? ;) And poor Axelrod- apparently he was meant to be in your family after all!! He survived, which means he is tough, which means he must be a Bingham!

Love and Prayers!

Anonymous said...

ps- atta boy, Nick! Glad one Bingham could draw out- although the pressure is sure on! I wouldn't want to pull the trigger with ALL of you looking on!

Unknown said...

I take my eyes off your posts for one second...and something weird happens!! I'm sure that little trip to the vet was inexpensive....we had a dog with Parvo. Yikes!! Glad kids and hunting plans are all going well. So sorry to hear about Les....prayers going up for her!! Thanks for the update. Take good care til next time and all of you be safe!!

Anonymous said...

Hi. I do not want this to be a feeding fest. My son goes to visit a girl friend of his every Saturday. He has since kindergarten. She and he are in the 3rd grade now and they go to different schools now. She moved to East Montpelier last summer and we live in Montpelier.
She had a kidney removed in kindergarten. I still have a creepy feeling that it was unnecissary, that because of poverty and fear the girl's mother did not get a second opinion.
Something about checking in with you guys gives me peace of mind.
Besides it is just one kidney that is missing. How hard is a kidney to replace?

Anonymous said...

I also like your commiment to family, horseback riding, church & church social activities.
I have gotten both of my grandmothers' ordinances done and traced my geneology back to Sigurd of Orkney, Queen of Scottland, 0895.

Anonymous said...

I have also been writing back and forth with Jodi Arias. Jodi is 32 years old now I think and she has told me twice that her church membership is up for review, but the church has not made a decision yet.