Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oct 23, 'The Tales of Lindsey Lou'

Over the weekend we received a small book called, "The Tales of Lindsey Lou". It is a cute little bed time story about a little girl on an ocean quest. The words and pictures are incredible. We struggle for the proper words to describe how moved we are. We have both been moved to tears several times.  That thoughtful little book has become such a strength for our family.  Jason left a copy of the book at Jason's office in Baker. If you want a copy you will need to contact Danny or Sarah Kerns.

I apologize for the late update.  When Jason goes home he takes his computer, which leaves me with our alternative electronic devices. For some reason the alternative devices were not working, but now they are.  Lindsey slept GREAT last night.  Her wonderful nurse gave her a massage, and she was sound asleep by 10 pm and didn't wake up until 7 this morning. She was happier and feistier when I got there this morning.  I am not sure how her infection looks today, because the awesome nurse, Tracy talked the doctors into doing dressing changes 3 times a week instead of every day. This is great because her skin was breaking down around the VAD tubing and all over her stomach from the abrasive cleaner they use.  She was excited about that.

She had a great day at school and is into acting bossy and teasing her siblings like the old Lindsey. It is good to see, but you still have to remind her that her tubing is only so long.  I have heard the doctors and nurses say more than once that they have NEVER had a patient this active on the Berlin. We are truly blessed!

Megan won her volleyball game yesterday. The team did awesome! They beat them in two games, it was a fun game to watch. Her team has improved so much it is amazing to watch.  They really play as a team. Winning this game put them in second place, we are uncertain if there is a play off game, but tomorrow is her last scheduled game for the season.

Gage had his echo, EKG, clinic and pacemaker appointment today.  All good news! His echo looks the same if not a little better. They don't want to give us any false optimism, but he is in a great spot right now clinically. They don't need to see him for another 2 months. They checked his pacemaker and he is still riding it. I asked if it is normal to see that, and Deb said it is not common at all. He got the pacemaker at just the right time. His left ventricle pacemaker has been having to fire harder to keep the pace they want, so they will see him in 2 months instead of 4 with his other appointment. Again we are so blessed that we are where we are and that we have the technology available today that has saved 3 of our 5 children's lives so far.

Jason and Hunter are back and it is so good to have them home. Hunter is already asking when he can go back to school at North Powder. Thank you Allie for letting him come to your class on Monday, he has talked of nothing but that. He LOVED it!  He brought back a wonderful stack of letters and cards for Lindsey.  They were sure neat.  Lindsey sure lit up when she saw her Dad. She was almost ushering us out the door tonight, so she could have her daddy time.

Tomorrow Jason says he is going to put on his 'tough guy' hat and find out where they are at with letting her go to the Stanford side on extended walks.  She has been very good about staying on the LPCH side, but this is starting to drag on.  We will have to see how 'tough' he can be.

The Smiths were here on Friday last week.  It was so nice to see them and have them here. We sure love this family.  Jason sure wishes he could have been here to see and laugh with them.

 Good comparison of how her infection is doing.
1st picture is from last Thursday 10/18.
 Friday, October 19. Redness down drainage up.

 Saturday, October 20
Sunday, October 21

 Monday October 22.
Next dressing change will be tomorrow, Wednesday.

This is a fun video of the night life in Lindsey's room. Plenty of excitement as 'we' (Stacy) rounds the kids up for the trek to the RMH.


Kellie said...

Great to hear such good news. We continue to pray every day for Lindsey and your family. Love, the Knowles Family

Anonymous said...

Yay! So glad Jason and Hunter made it back safely!! And thank heavens for great nurses who get the doctors to cut back on dressing changes!!

Lindsey Lou- good job keeping all the doctors and nurses on their toes with how active you are! Good job setting all sorts of records- you're making Bingham's everywhere prouder than ever to be a Bingham!

Anonymous said...

So nice to hear about all of the positive's going on right now!! They are true BLESSINGS and we are thankful for each one! Glad to also hear that Jason and Hunter made it back and that Lindsey was happy to see you guys head for home so she could take in her daddy time! I am sure it will be nice to have kiddos all tucked in and have your nightly routine done before too late and you, Miss Stacy, need the rest and hopefully you will be able to relax a bit more knowing Jason has returned and is there sleeping with the Princess!! Hopefully Hunter also made it home with all of the things from school that needed to be taken to Cali for Lindsey Lou...there was quite the stack that was waiting for Hunter to attend school, so he could be the special delivery boy. Today was sooooo cold and the winter bitter wind is starting to set in....every time I felt like I was freezing I thought how silly and ridiculous that is because it could be quite the opposite and I could be stuck like Lindsey and not be able to enjoy the outside weather whenever I want.....so I MUST buck up and get over the thought of BRRRRRRRR I'm FREEZING!!!!! Hope Jason didn't bring any of the cold weather with him! NICE job Megan on another win!! How's the Halloween costumes coming along? Love and miss you each so much and can't wait to see you again! loves, hugs, and many prayers for more blessings--xoxoxoxo sweet dreams to all

ReNae Coelman said...

It was great to see Jason and Hunter at the Boise airport yesterday, even for a few minutes!! Megan, congratulations on your win Monday, and good luck today on your last game. You do such a great job in volleyball. Are you all excited about your Halloween party on Saturday? And you get to have Ryan, Michelle and their girls!! We will be having one here while you party there. Maybe we can call you! I love you all so much, and I miss being with you!!

Steph Tidwell said...

It is great to see Lyndsey up. If you think you have active kids maybe we should come and visit. LOL

Well maybe we will leave the kids home. I don't think your ready for that..LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow, I LOVE the new book, The Tales of Lindsey Lou!!! Grandma Leslie was a school today to help with a special "Food Day" we had and she showed me a copy. The book is very special and definitely delivers message of courage, strength, faith, and how to fight like a brave little girl. The book is very touching and it is definitely a little emotional reading it the first time. We are hoping to get our hands on some copies, so we can share at school and with our family and friends that have been following your journey and blog. Jason thank you for taking the time to tape the video clip of the family getting rounded up to head on home to RMH....loved seeing the kiddos being kiddos and Lindsey looks amazing. She is just so spunky and full of energy at the end of the day, must have had something to do with you making it back to Cali! (by the way when all said and done and you return home as a happy family you both deserve a little honeymoon/date night get away....just the two of you!!!) Love you all and pray often through out the day that you may continue to gain strength to endure the day to day journey. loves, hugs, and prayers for each of you. xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

WE are so glad for medically technology too! We are excited to see you at Thanksgiving, banking that it's gonna be a good time. We sure love and miss you. Love Uncle Seth and Aunt G