Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gage and His Broken Leg

Just to start our March off to a wonderful start, Gage broke his leg. It was on a Wednesday night. Lindsey wanted to carry Gage around. I was getting dinner on the table and getting ready to leave for work. Jason, still in tax season was at the office. I was also packing Sierra and I to leave for California the next morning for a biopsy. We were having to drive, because our Angel Flight did not get picked up by any pilots.

I heard a thud and then a scream. Not just an "I am hurt scream", but "I am seriously hurt" scream. He wouldn't stand on his right leg and would not stop crying. Of course this all happened 5-10 minutes before I had to leave for work. I grabbed him and took him with me to work, knowing that his leg was probably broken. Jason met me there and decided to wait and see if he still wouldn't stand on it in the morning.

I left for California at 7 am with Sierra and Leslie. Jason called me about 2-3 hours into the trip and explained to me that Gage's leg was broken and they were casting it now. He had a spiral fracture of the tibia. Who would have thought that being dropped by little Lindsey could have done that? He hit it just right! I felt horrible that I was leaving for 2-3 days and wouldn't be there to help him through the worst part of it. He did great and learned how to get around pretty quickly on that cast. Sierra got a 0 on her biopsy and we were all happy about that!!

He fell asleep while waiting in the ER. They casted his whole leg while he was sleeping. He unfortunately woke up unable to move his leg and was pretty upset about that.

This cast did put a little dilemma on the whole potty training thing.

Here he is non-weight bearing. Ha Ha Ha!

I had to keep reminding him to crawl. He would crawl when I was looking, but if I wasn't looking, he would hobble really fast before I looked or saw him.

Funny, Funny Gage!

Gage is so funny!! When I think that we almost lost him, I am so grateful every day that he pulled through. I can't imagine not having him here to do all of these funny things.

Gage decided that he was going to potty train himself. He all of a sudden decided he didn't want to wear a diaper anymore. Even if that meant that he had accidents. To encourage this decision, I decided to buy him some new "fun" underwear. He was so excited about this underwear that he had to sleep with it and took it with him everywhere. It was pretty funny.

Gage in his big boy underwear riding the horse with Hunter.

Gage loves sugar and sweets. He would not give this sucker up before he fell asleep. He hid it when he layed down. This is how I found it later when I went to check on him.

Gage and Daddy with his proud package of underwear.

Gage sleeping with his underwear.

Gage sleeping yet again with his underwear, too funny!

Basketball, Basketball, Basketball!

This is basketball season for us. Megan is playing for the YMCA and Lindsey played a game or two of Saturday Morning basketball.

Jason was invited by a college buddy to attend a USU basketball game. Of course, he couldn't resist. So, he took Sierra and Megan with him and they did a quick trip to Utah. They had a ball and Sierra and Megan were quickly enveloped in the USU spirit. They came back with all of their USU paraphernalia and couldn't wait to go to another one sometime. Fun times!

Lindsey playing Saturday Morning Basketball.

Some of the fans at the USU game.

The half time act.

A familiar face! Bryson Allen was there at the game.